
Cassandra PHP-based client library for managing and querying your Cassandra cluster

Primary LanguageShell

Cassandra PHP-based client library for managing and querying your Cassandra
cluster. It's a high-level library performing all the rather complex low-level
lifting and providing a simple to learn and use interface.

- simple and intuitive interface
- well covered with unit tests (> 90%)
- support for multiple server pools using named singletons
- requires including a single file
- uses reasonable defaults through-out
- powerful syntax for querying data
- enables managing keyspaces and column-families
- automatic packing of datatypes using column metadata
- retries failed queries using back-off strategy
- built with performance in mind (caches schema description etc)
- well documented API and a working example
- query profiler to test performance of calls to cassandra

The class diagram is available on the wiki, see:

The library uses the permissive MIT licence.

The following example covers most of what you need to know to use this library.
It should work out-of-box on a machine with default cassandra setup running. The
example file is contained in the download.

Open https://github.com/kallaspriit/Cassandra-PHP-Client-Library/blob/master/example.php
for prettier code.


// the only file that needs including into your project
require_once 'Cassandra.php';

// list of seed servers to randomly connect to
// all the parameters are optional and default to given values
$servers = array(
		'host' => '',
		'port' => 9160,
		'use-framed-transport' => true,
		'send-timeout-ms' => 1000,
		'receive-timeout-ms' => 1000

// create a named singleton, the second parameter name defaults to "main"
// you can have several named singletons with different server pools
$cassandra = Cassandra::createInstance($servers);

// start the query profiler

//To save on ram, you can trim down the profile data you store
//by using the flags below

//Skip storing the client data

//Skip storing the param data

// at any point in code, you can get the named singleton instance, the name
// again defaults to "main" so no need to define it if using single instance
$cassandra2 = Cassandra::getInstance();

// drop the example keyspace and ignore errors should it not exist
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {}

// create a new keyspace, accepts extra parameters for replication options
// normally you don't do it every time

// start using the created keyspace

// if a request fails, it will be retried for this many times, each time backing
// down for a bit longer period to prevent floods; defaults to 5

// create a standard column family with given column metadata
	'CassandraExample', // keyspace name
	'user',             // the column-family name
	array(              // list of columns with metadata
			'name' => 'name',
			'type' => Cassandra::TYPE_UTF8,
			'index-type' => Cassandra::INDEX_KEYS, // create secondary index
			'index-name' => 'NameIdx'
			'name' => 'email',
			'type' => Cassandra::TYPE_UTF8
			'name' => 'age',
			'type' => Cassandra::TYPE_INTEGER,
			'index-type' => Cassandra::INDEX_KEYS,
			'index-name' => 'AgeIdx'
	// actually accepts more parameters with reasonable defaults

// create a super column family
			'name' => 'population',
			'type' => Cassandra::TYPE_INTEGER
			'name' => 'comment',
			'type' => Cassandra::TYPE_UTF8
	// see the definition for these additional optional parameters
	'Capitals supercolumn test',

// lets fetch and display the schema of created keyspace
$schema = $cassandra->getKeyspaceSchema('CassandraExample');
echo 'Schema: <pre>'.print_r($schema, true).'</pre><hr/>';

// should we need to, we can access the low-level client directly
$version = $cassandra->getConnection()->getClient()->describe_version();
echo 'Version directly: <pre>'.print_r($version, true).'</pre><hr/>';

// if implemented, use the wrapped methods as these are smarter - can retry etc
$version = $cassandra->getVersion();
echo 'Version through wrapper: <pre>'.print_r($version, true).'</pre><hr/>';

// cluster is a pool of connections
$cluster = $cassandra->getCluster();
echo 'Cluster: <pre>'.print_r($cluster, true).'</pre><hr/>';

// you can ask the cluster for a connection to a random seed server from pool
$connection = $cluster->getConnection();
echo 'Connection: <pre>'.print_r($connection, true).'</pre><hr/>';

// access column family, using the singleton syntax
// there is shorter "cf" methid that is an alias to "columnFamily"
$userColumnFamily = Cassandra::getInstance()->columnFamily('user');
echo 'Column family "user": <pre>'.print_r($userColumnFamily, true).'</pre><hr/>';

// lets insert some test data using the convinience method "set" of Cassandra
		'email' => 'john@smith.com',
		'name' => 'John Smith',
		'age' => 34

// when inserting data, it's ok if key name contains ".", no need to escape them
		'email' => 'jane@doe.com',
		'name' => 'Jane Doe',
		'age' => 24

// longer way of inserting data, first getting the column family
	'chuck', // key name
	array(   // column names and values
		'email' => 'chuck@norris.com',
		'name' => 'Chuck Norris',
		'age' => 24
	Cassandra::CONSISTENCY_QUORUM // optional consistency to use
	// also accepts optional custom timestamp and time to live

// lets fetch all the information about user john
$john = $cassandra->get('user.john');
echo 'User "john": <pre>'.print_r($john, true).'</pre><hr/>';

// since the jane key "jane.doe" includes a ".", we have to escape it
$jane = $cassandra->get('user.'.Cassandra::escape('jane.doe'));
echo 'User "jane.doe": <pre>'.print_r($jane, true).'</pre><hr/>';

// there is some syntatic sugar on the query of Cassandra::get() allowing you
// to fetch specific columns, ranges of them, limit amount etc. for example,
// lets only fetch columns name and age
$chuck = $cassandra->get('user.chuck:name,age');
echo 'User "chuck", name and age: <pre>'.print_r($chuck, true).'</pre><hr/>';

// fetch all solumns from age to name (gets all columns in-between too)
$chuck2 = $cassandra->get('user.chuck:age-name');
echo 'User "chuck", columns ago to name: <pre>'.print_r($chuck2, true).'</pre><hr/>';

// the range columns do not need to exist, we can get character ranges
$chuck3 = $cassandra->get('user.chuck:a-z');
echo 'User "chuck", columns a-z: <pre>'.print_r($chuck3, true).'</pre><hr/>';

// when performing range queries, we can also limit the number of columns
// returned (2); also the method accepts consistency level as second parameter
$chuck4 = $cassandra->get('user.chuck:a-z|2', Cassandra::CONSISTENCY_ALL);
echo 'User "chuck", columns a-z, limited to 2 columns: <pre>'.print_r($chuck4, true).'</pre><hr/>';

// the Cassandra::get() is a convinience method proxying to lower level
// CassandraColumnFamily::get(), no need to worry about escaping with this.
// column family has additional methods getAll(), getColumns(), getColumnRange()
// that all map to lower level get() calls with more appopriate parameters
$jane2 = $cassandra->cf('user')->get('jane.doe');
echo 'User "jane.doe", lower level api: <pre>'.print_r($jane2, true).'</pre><hr/>';

// we defined a secondary index on "age" column of "user" column family so we
// can use CassandraColumnFamily::getWhere() to fetch users of specific age.
// this returns an iterator that you can go over with foreach or use the
// getAll() method that fetches all the data and returns an array
$aged24 = $cassandra->cf('user')->getWhere(array('age' => 24));
echo 'Users at age 24: <pre>'.print_r($aged24->getAll(), true).'</pre><hr/>';

// if we know we are going to need to values of several keys, we can request
// them in a single query for better performance
$chuckAndJohn = $cassandra->cf('user')->getMultiple(array('chuck', 'john'));
echo 'Users "chuck" and "john": <pre>'.print_r($chuckAndJohn, true).'</pre><hr/>';

// we can fetch a range of keys but this is predictable only if using an
// order preserving partitioner, Cassandra defaults to random one
// again as there may be more results than it's reasonable to fetch in a single
// query, an iterator is returned that can make several smaller range queries
// as the data is iterated
$usersAZ = $cassandra->cf('user')->getKeyRange('a', 'z');
echo 'Users with keys in range a-z: <pre>'.print_r($usersAZ->getAll(), true).'</pre><hr/>';

// find the number of columns a key has, we could also request for ranges
$chuckColumnCount = $cassandra->cf('user')->getColumnCount('chuck');
echo 'User "chuck" column count: <pre>'.print_r($chuckColumnCount, true).'</pre><hr/>';

// we can find column counts for several keys at once
$chuckJaneColumnCounts = $cassandra->cf('user')->getColumnCounts(array('chuck', 'jane.doe'));
echo 'User "chuck" and "jane.doe" column counts: <pre>'.print_r($chuckJaneColumnCounts, true).'</pre><hr/>';

// setting supercolumn values is similar to normal column families
		'Tallinn' => array(
			'population' => '411980',
			'comment' => 'Capital of Estonia',
			'size' => 'big'
		'Tartu' => array(
			'population' => '98589',
			'comment' => 'City of good thoughts',
			'size' => 'medium'

// fetch all columns of Tartu in Estonia of cities
$tartu = $cassandra->cf('cities')->getAll('Estonia', 'Tartu');
echo 'Super-column cities.Estonia.Tartu: <pre>'.print_r($tartu, true).'</pre><hr/>';

// we could also use the higher level Cassandra::get() to fetch supercolumn info
// we can still use the additional filters of columns
$tallinn = $cassandra->get('cities.Estonia.Tallinn:population,size');
echo 'Super-column cities.Estonia.Tallinn: <pre>'.print_r($tallinn, true).'</pre><hr/>';

// Get the full profiler data
echo 'Full Query Profiler Dump: <pre>'.print_r(CassandraProfiler::getActions(), true).'</pre><hr/>';

// Get the profiler summary data
echo 'Full Query Profiler Dump: <pre>'.print_r(CassandraProfiler::getActions(true), true).'</pre><hr/>';

// you can delete all the data in a column family using "truncate"

// you may choose to drop an entire keyspace
