
A small weather app created using react-native to show the data fetched from Firebase and UbiDots(Internet of Things Platform)

Primary LanguageJava

AirMonApp-Internet of Things

A small weather app created using react-native to show the data fetched from Firebase and UbiDots(Internet of Things Platform).
Demo of the working app (video) : Here

Firebase And UbiDots config

  1. Create a firebase project, goto project overview, and select Add Firebase to your Web App.
  2. Put the config object to the /src/Config/dbconstants.js file.
  3. Goto UbiDots and get token, variable-names, and device-names and place them accordingly in api.js.

    This app gets values of sensors uploaded to UbiDots and firebase, from NodeMCU. The code for NodeMCU is in NodeMCU repository.