
Tools for building reference databases

Primary LanguageShell

CBI Reference Databases


Recently NCBI released new BLAST databases containing NCBI-selected Reference and Representative Genome nucleotide assemblies. This new database promises to provide cleaner results and a smaller overall database than our current references.

This is how NCBI selects representative genomes:

Representative genomes are selected based on the following rules:

  • the only genome sequenced
  • the only complete genome for species
  • multiple complete genomes or no complete genome
    • Type strain
    • First complete genome sequenced
    • Human Microbiome reference
    • Highest assembly quality

Building the databases

build_NCBI_rep_genomes.sh is a script for automatically downloading and building the databases.


. scripts/build_NCBI_rep_genomes.sh [build_id]

Where build_id is a build identifier. A new directory will be created within NCBI_rep_genomes with the build ID. For example, the identifier used for BLAST databases dated Oct. 27, 2016 was 20161027.

Available builds

build date build ID latest
Feb. 2, 2019 20190220 yes
Oct. 27, 2016 20161027 no


The 16S microbial databases contain Bacterial and Archaeal 16S rRNA sequences from the NCBI RefSeq targeted loci project (BioProject 33175).

A brief description:

The 16S ribosomal RNA targeted loci project is the result of an international collaboration between a number of ribosomal RNA databases and NCBI to provide a curated and comprehensive set of complete and near full length Reference Sequence records for phylogenetic and evolutionary analyses. Sequences that represent the consensus of all contributing databases in both sequence content and taxonomic assignment are promoted to RefSeqs. All sequences will have the same project ID and can be found as such.

Building the databases

build_NCBI_16SMicrobial.sh is a script for automatically downloading and building the databases.


. scripts/build_NCBI_16SMicrobial.sh [build_id]

Where build_id is a build identifier. A new directory will be created within NCBI_16SMicrobial with the build ID.

Available builds

build date build ID latest
Aug. 6, 2016 20160806 yes


Contains protozoa representative genomes.

Building the databases

build_NCBI_rep_protozoan.sh is a script for automatically downloading and building the databases.


. scripts/build_NCBI_rep_protozoan.sh [build_id]

Where build_id is a build identifier. A new directory will be created within NCBI_rep_protozoa with the build ID.

Available builds

build date build ID latest
Nov. 28, 2017 20171128 yes


Contains fungal representative genomes.

Building the databases

build_NCBI_rep_fungi.sh is a script for automatically downloading and building the databases.


. scripts/build_NCBI_rep_fungi.sh [build_id]

Where build_id is a build identifier. A new directory will be created within NCBI_rep_fungi with the build ID.

Available builds

build date build ID latest
Nov. 28, 2017 20171128 yes


Contains a parasitic genomes database from wormbase.

Building the databases

build_wormbase_parasite.sh is a script for automatically downloading and building the databases.


. scripts/build_wormbase_parasite.sh [build_id]

Where build_id is a build identifier. A new directory will be created within wormbase_parasite with the build ID.

Available builds

build date build ID latest comment
Nov. 28, 2017 20171128 no WBPS9
Mar. 6, 2019 20190306 yes WBPS12


The plasma database contains reference sequences for organisms that may appear in human plasma.


. scripts/build_plasmaDB.sh [build_id]

Where build_id is a build identifier. Before building, the build directory should contain files with information about the sequences to be included in the database. These can be:

  1. Accessions: Each file contains a list of accession numbers, one per line. The filename for these files should begin with acc.*. The name of the resulting database will be the file name with the beginning and extension removed. For example, if provided the file acc.human_viruses.txt, the build script will create a database named human_viruses.
  2. Sequences: Each file is a multi-fasta files from the same taxonomic group. The filename should have the extension *.fasta and should begin with the taxonomy ID to be added to the sequence names. For example, if provided the file 11103.HCV_references.fasta, the build script will add the taxon ID 11103 to all sequences and create a database named HCV_references.
build date build ID latest comment
Aug. 6, 2016 20160806 no
Jan. 17, 2017 20170117 yes separate DB for HCV, HIV, and human viruses


Databases built for kraken, see manual here.


Full kraken databases are built using scripts/build_kraken.sh:

. scripts/build_kraken.sh [build_id]

This will create several sbatch jobs that will download and build the databases.

We have also downloaded MiniKrakenDB, which is a pre-built 4 GB database constructed from complete bacterial, archaeal, and viral genomes in RefSeq (as of Dec. 8, 2014).

wget http://ccb.jhu.edu/software/kraken/dl/minikraken.tgz
tar xzf minikraken.tgz
build date build ID latest comment
Jun. 14, 2017 20170614 yes See below for available databases

The Jun. 14, 2017 build contains the following databases:

Contents Name Size (of *.kdb)
MiniKrakenDB (Bacteria, Archaea, Viruses) minikraken_20141208 3.4 GB
Bacteria, Archaea p 66 GB
Viruses v 1.6 GB
Human h 28 GB
Bacteria, Archaea, Viruses p+v 68 GB
Bacteria, Archaea, Viruses, Human p+h+v 97 GB


This database is for centrifuge and was downloaded from CCB

mkdir -p [build_id] && cd [build_id]
wget ftp://ftp.ccb.jhu.edu/pub/infphilo/centrifuge/data/p_compressed.tar.gz
wget ftp://ftp.ccb.jhu.edu/pub/infphilo/centrifuge/data/p_compressed+h+v.tar.gz
wget ftp://ftp.ccb.jhu.edu/pub/infphilo/centrifuge/data/p+h+v.tar.gz
wget ftp://ftp.ccb.jhu.edu/pub/infphilo/centrifuge/data/nt.tar.gz

tar xzf p_compressed.tar.gz
tar xzf p_compressed+h+v.tar.gz
tar xzf p+h+v.tar.gz
tar xzf nt.tar.gz
build date build ID latest comment
Dec. 6, 2016 20161206 yes See below for available databases

There are 4 databases included with the Dec. 6, 2016 build:

Contents Name Size
Bacteria, Archaea (compressed) p_compressed 4.4 GB
Bacteria, Archaea, Viruses, Human (compressed) p_compressed+h+v 5.4 GB
Bacteria, Archaea, Viruses, Human p+h+v 7.9 GB
NCBI nucleotide non-redundant sequences nt 50GB

plant markers

Contains sequences for plant markers: trnH-psbA, ITS2, and rbcL.

PLEASE NOTE: This does not download from an FTP site, because there wasn't one. Information regarding where each marker came from is in the script build_plant_markers.sh.


. scripts/build_plant_markers.sh [build_id]

Where build_id is a build identifier. A new directory will be created within plant_markers with the build ID.

Available builds

build date build ID latest comment
Nov. 29, 2017 20171129 yes See below for available databases

The Nov. 29, 2017 build contains the following databases:

Contents Name Size (of *.kdb)
trnH-psbA trnH_psbA_marker_seqs 11 MB
ITS2 ITS2_marker_seqs 1.9 GB
rbcL rbcL_marker_seqs 409 MB