
Randomly sample reads from BAM files based on tags and split them

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains a snakemake workflow file (sample_reads.smk) that, given a set of folders with specified sub-directories and file names for BAM files, does the following:

  1. Gets a list of all combinations of CB and RG tags present in a BAM file
  2. Randomly splits the CBxRG combos into N groups
  3. Extracts reads for each random sample into separate BAM files


First, clone or download this repository. Then, there are three main dependencies:

  1. Python 3.9+
  2. Snakemake 7+
  3. samtools 1.16+

These can all be installed with conda or mamba. An environment file is provided as environment.yml. To install it (you will need conda installed already), do the following:

conda env create --file=environment.yml

This will create a conda environment called sample-reads. Next to activate the environment:

conda activate sample-reads

Setting up the config file

The pipeline depends on file paths and options provided in the config file. sample-reads-cfg.yml is provided as an example and template and can be used, or a new config file could be created with it. The config file contains several variables that the snakemake file reads in at runtime:

Variable Description
project_dir The main project directory that contains sub-directories and BAM files to sample and split
subdirs A list of sub-directories within each directory contained in project_dir to look for BAM files
bam_name The name of the BAM file to search for in each of the subdirs
num_split The number of chunks to split the CB and RG combos from each BAM file
random_seed For reproducibility, set a seed for randomly sampling each split. This is formatted like a Python dictionary, so for a different num_split you can add a different seed
out_prefix The prefix for all output files created by the workflow
slurm_log_dir Each instance of each rule is submitted as a job to SLURM, so this specifies where the SLURM logs are saved

All of these parameters are REQUIRED.

Specifically, your file tree for the project should look something like this:

├── project_subdir[0]
│   ├── subdirs[0]
│   │   └── bam_name
│   └── subdirs[1]
│       └── bam_name
└── project_subdir[1]
    ├── subdirs[0]
    │   └── bam_name
    └── subdirs[1]
        └── bam_name

All directories in the project_dir are read automatically into the project_subdir list.

Also note that each subdir can have other files or directories in them, they will just be ignored.

Setting up the cluster profile

Each BAM file that is found as input (with bam_name inside of each of the subdirs) is processed in parallel as separate rules in the snakemake workflow, and each instance of the rule is submitted as a job to SLURM. SLURM jobs need some setup as well, and in the profiles/slurm_profile/config.yaml file a template of a job submission script is provided as well as default resource allocations. Please review this file and change as needed. Importantly:

  1. Under cluster-sync: Anything in curly brackets ({}) is read passed as a variable from the snakemake file. For instance {slurm_dir} corresponds to slurm_log_dir from the config file, and {rule} corresponds to the current rule being run. Resources, like {resources.cpus} or {resources.partition} are also inserted into the job submission script here.
  2. Default resources are provided in default-resources: and are used if no other resource specifications are used in the rule being run. To change rule-specific resources, update them in the rule in the snake file (sample_reads.smk).
  3. To receive emails if your job fails (like any other job submission script), uncomment lines 12 and 13 and insert your email address.
  4. Be sure to specify the default partition under default-resources: as a partition you have access to and that will accomodate the resource allocations for all rules (or set rule-specific partitions in the snake file).

Running the pipeline

With the environment activated and the config files set up, you are now ready to run the pipeline! First, run a dry run:

snakemake -p -s sample_reads.smk --configfile sample-reads-cfg.yml --profile profiles/slurm_profile/ --dryrun

This should let snakemake check all the rules and files being run to be sure everything is setup correctly. If you see any red text, something is wrong. But if not, everything should be yellow and green and you should see a table of rules that are to be run. If this is the case, simply remove the --dryrun option from the command to actually execute the pipeline!


Each rule will output different files necessary for the next rule to be run. Here is a summary of the outputs for each rule:

Rule Input Output
extract_tags A merged and sorted BAM file with CB and RG tags A plaintext file called out_prefix-num_split-barcodes.txt with a list of all combinations of CB and RG tags that exist in the input BAM file.
sample_tags out_prefix-num_split-barcodes.txt from the extract_tags rule Two files: out_prefix-num_split-N-sample.txt, which contains the sampled CBxRG tags for sample N, and out_prefix-num_split-N-filter.txt, which contains the filter expression for the tags for sample N to be read by the next rule.
extract_reads out_prefix-num_split-N-filter.txt from the sample_tags rule out_prefix-num_split-N.bam containing the extracted reads for sample N.