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This repository hosts raw data for "A comprehensive examination of Chelicerate genomes reveals no evidence for a whole genome duplication among spiders and scorpions" which is currently a pre-print on bioRxiv.

Find below the paths and descriptions to relevant files:

Path Description
data/19spec/aln/ Nucleotide (and peptide) alignments used as input for species tree and gene tree inference. Also includes summary files for alignments.
data/19spec/grampa/ GRAMPA results.
data/19spec/trees/ The species trees and gene trees used in the study.
data/Dot_Plots/ MCScanX results and dot plots.
data/duppipe/ duppipe results and raw figures.
data/orthopipe/ orthopipe results.
manuscript/figs/ Raw figures from the manuscript.
manuscript/scripts/ Scripts to generate the figures.
manuscript/supplement/ Supplemental tables for the manuscript.
scripts/ The scripts used for the analyses, from running BLAST to GRAMPA.