
A library to help you make the most out of your Pixoo 64 (and hopefully soon other Wi-Fi enabled Pixoos)

Primary LanguagePython


A library to easily communicate with the Divoom Pixoo 64 (and hopefully soon more screens that support Wi-Fi)

A simple working example application using this "rendering" framework can be found here: https://github.com/SomethingWithComputers/pixoo-banano

Tested on a Pixoo 64.


Simply install the required dependencies via PIP. Navigate to the directory where you installed this library. Then execute:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Install the requirements.txt via pip install

Getting started

Create an interface with your device as such (of course use your own local IP-address):

pixoo = Pixoo('')

For now, the easiest way to learn how to use this library is to check the examples.py. I'll be adding examples to this page over time as well, once the project matures a bit more.

NOTE: Be sure to call push() after performing all your draw actions, to push the internal buffer to the screen. * Try to not call this method more than once per second if you don't want the device to stop responding!*

Special thanks

PICO-8's fantastic low-res font

Special thanks goes to the fantastic PICO-8 and its creator. I've written a small script to convert the font to simple pixel matrixes, which are used as "glyphs" within the draw_text methods.

Supported characters so far are:


Known bugs

Previous buffer/image is still partially visible

Unfortunately, the Divoom Pixoo 64 doesn't seem quite ready for prime time- yet. There are some known buffer issues that can cause issues, basically meaning that parts of the previous image are still displayed even though a newer image has been pushed to the display. I'm sure this will be fixed in the future though, the dev team seems to be working hard!

After updating the screen +/- 300 times the display stops responding

This seems to be an internal bug with the current firmware. I'll update the code once a better way to push a buffer to the screen becomes available.

TextScrollDirection.RIGHT seems to invert the string

.. and some other issues. Seems like for now, text can only really be scrolling left with most fonts. This will likely ( hopefully?) be fixed by the dev team in the future.