
Returns results from Google search.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Performs searches on Google and display the resulting URLs, as simple as that!

go badge python badge MIT license badge twitter badge

Important note

‼ Google searches are unstable as f**k ‼


This script uses the tricky method developed s0md3v (see goop by s0md3v) so it requires a Facebook cookie. Yeah I know, sounds weird but it works!

For this purpose I use a Facebook test account and set the cookie in an environment variable:
(don't even try that one it's fake 😉)

export FACEBOOK_COOKIE="datr=q1V0Y8TgRJBF11vXCB2cl; sb=tEV2Y6okO_z0DRjFJ7jjEsXk; c_user=10409039010190; xs=16%3A1utfaZis3V5yq%3A2%3A16695433%3A-1%3A-1; fr=0rB0KLvdL4UqePy.AXXorCVM%HkrQkP7L4_VLSExs.BjW0.ZW.AA.0.0.BjkW4.AWm2gIsce6; wd=1680x937; dpr=4; presence=C%7B%22t3%22%3A%5B%5D%2C%22utc3%22%3A16686438%2C%22v%22%3A1%7D"


go install github.com/gwen001/google-search@latest


git clone https://github.com/gwen001/google-search
cd google-search
go install


google-search -c "<facebook cookie>" -s "<google search expression>"
Usage of google-search:
  -c string
    	your facebook cookie
  -d	debug mode
  -s string
    	search term you are looking for (required)

Install (python version)

git clone https://github.com/gwen001/google-search
cd google-search
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Usage (python version)

$ python3 google-search.py -t "site:10degres.net"
usage: google-search.py [-h] [-s SEARCH] [-d] [-c FBCOOKIE]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SEARCH, --search SEARCH
                        search term (required)
  -d, --decode          urldecode the results
  -c FBCOOKIE, --fbcookie FBCOOKIE
                        your facebook cookie

Feel free to open an issue if you have any problem with the script.