
A PHP tool to brute force vhost configured on a server.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


A PHP tool to brute force vhost configured on a server.

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git clone https://github.com/gwen001/vhost-brute


Usage: php vhost-brute.php [OPTIONS]

	--domain	set domain
	--fail		max fail (http code=0) before exiting, default=-1, unlimited
	-h, --help	print this help
	--ip		set server ip address
	--port		set port
	--ssl		force ssl
	--st		percentage of similarity of the content to NOT confirm, default=90 
			so under 90 it's considered different than the reference
	--threads	set maximum threads, default=1
	--wordlist	set plain text file that contains subdomains to test

	php vhost-brute.php --ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx --domain example.com --wordlist sub.txt --threads 5

Feel free to open an issue if you have any problem with the script.