
As part of the Riverbed SteelScript this module provides specific bindings for Riverbed Client Accelerator Controller

Primary LanguagePython

Riverbed SteelScript for Client Accelerator Controller

Riverbed SteelScript is a collection of libraries and scripts written in Python for interacting with Riverbed appliances and solutions, and other network infrastructure devices.

As part of the Riverbed SteelScript this module provides specific bindings for Riverbed Client Accelerator Controller


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Copyright (c) 2021 Riverbed Technology, Inc.

SteelScript is licensed under the terms and conditions of the MIT License accompanying the software ("License"). SteelScript is distributed "AS IS" as set forth in the License. SteelScript also includes certain third party code. All such third party code is also distributed "AS IS" and is licensed by the respective copyright holders under the applicable terms and conditions (including, without limitation, warranty and liability disclaimers) identified in the license notices accompanying the software.