A public 'source' for iOS Pods modular.
You can use PodsManager to install all the Pods modular.
After install the 'source', free to install/uninstall the following pods:
Pop a input textView.
Input *c = ccs.input;
[self.view addSubview:c.displayView];
[c addDoneBlock:^(NSString * _Nonnull content) {
Localized with iOS device language.
id la = LANGUAGE(@"标题", @"Title");
Auto check app's rate.
// 自定义概率弹出打分弹窗
[ccs.rate checkRate:@"appId" ratedOnce:NO rateProb:100 inAppRateProb:0 title:@"标题" content:@"内容" btnTitles:@[@"取消",@"确定",] block:^(BOOL rated) {
// 添加从AppStore打分回来的回调
[ccs.rate addBackFromAppStoreBlock:^(BOOL success, NSTimeInterval timeInterval) {
if (success) {
// 打分过了 给奖励