
adversitybot is a bot that shows some info on how tough a teams run was in a season.

To check a teams history give the bot one of the following commands in the adversitybot channel or via DM. Team names are case sensitive!

!adversity or !a prints some stats and a table of games !a My lovely team name

!adversityshort or !as prints a shorter table for mobile !as My lovely team name

!adversitylong or !al prints a longer table with team names !al My lovely team name

Remember to add a codeblock to preserve formatting if you copy paste the bots responses (```)

Current default season is 34 Use -s <season number> to select a different season !a -s 35 My current team

To add adversitybot to your channel head to https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=747055885645381662&scope=bot

It's well behaved and will only respond to DMs or messages in a channel named 'adversitybot'

Head to the general channel for comments, suggestions, etc

The source for this bot is available at https://github.com/gwilymhumphreys/adversitybot

Enjoy 💕