
This is a medical diagnosis system programmed using CLIPS.

Primary LanguageCLIPS


This is a medical diagnosis system programmed using the CLIPS language. This kind of system is also called an expert system. This system is not for patient itself but for doctors themself to fill ask it asks questions like MRI and CT scans. Another reason is that this system will not provide the proper treatment even if the sickness is diagnosed.

There will be two files to be loaded into the CLIPS's dialog window. Firstly, load q2.clp and only then load q2_1.clp.

This system will start by asking patient's information such as name and gender. After that, it will ask 10 general questions such as fever and fatigueness. It will then analyse the answers given to the 10 general questions and ask some more specific questions. If all 10 general questions are answered no, the system will end and indicate no sickness for that patient.

This project is an assignment for the subject Expert Systems.