
Java implementation of JSON Web Token (JWT)

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Java implementation of JSON Web Token (JWT)


Generate JWT Token

The following code can be used to generate JWT token

private static final int EXPIRY_DAYS = 90;

JSONObject jwtPayload = new JSONObject();
jwtPayload.put("status", 0);

JSONArray audArray = new JSONArray();
jwtPayload.put("sub", "John");

jwtPayload.put("aud", audArray);
LocalDateTime ldt = LocalDateTime.now().plusDays(EXPIRY_DAYS);
jwtPayload.put("exp", ldt.toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.UTC)); //this needs to be configured
String token = new JWebToken(jwtPayload).toString();

Verify JWT Token

JWT token recieved in the String format can be used to verify and extract audience and subject information as follows.

//verify and use
JWebToken incomingToken = new JWebToken(bearerToken);
if (!incomingToken.isValid()) {
    String audience = incomingToken.getAudience();
    String subject = incomingToken.getSubject();

JWT Tutorial
