- 0
- 3
- 5
The types returned by newly added List/Set/Map.of/copyOf() cannot be passed between client and server (=are outside the scope of gwt rpc serialization)
#10048 opened by andreaskornstaedt - 2
Support regarding removal of unsafe-eval
#10047 opened by imrozeH - 1
An single-assigment case-statement without {} within a switch generates a superfluous return, leading to function termination
#10044 opened by andreaskornstaedt - 3
Adding a custom record constructor prevents successful compilation
#10045 opened by andreaskornstaedt - 3
- 1
GWT 2.12 CSP RPC escapeString 64KB limit
#10043 opened by codeart1st - 0
Update, migrate, improve log help links
#10042 opened by niloc132 - 0
Support source=11 in EztDoclet
#10041 opened by niloc132 - 0
Enable `-strict` for user tests
#10038 opened by niloc132 - 0
- 0
Support more flags in JUnitShell/GWTTestCase
#10033 opened by niloc132 - 1
Upgrade closure-stylesheets library to latest HEAD version
#10036 opened by jnehlmeier - 0
GWT 2.13 deprecations/removals
#10029 opened by niloc132 - 11
Spring Setup and Mime type issue
#10017 opened by dgeiselmanMOO - 2
Missing sources for type annotations trip the compiler
#10020 opened by zbynek - 1
Using a switch statement together with if- or for-statement without using {} crashes
#10024 opened by FrankHossfeld - 5
window.postMessage() events from parent frame clears GWT's URL parameters and place tokens
#10018 opened by vasanthnataraj - 8
Internal error compiling GWT project
#10025 opened by mirzah - 0
Deprecate `` for removal
#10031 opened by niloc132 - 0
Deprecate `` for removal
#10030 opened by niloc132 - 0
- 0
NPE when comparing a record with a null using the default generated equals method
#10015 opened by vegegoku - 18
GWT cannot optimize switched expressions
#10005 opened by natros - 0
- 0
- 2
- 3
- 5
Is enabling debugId for prod safe?
#10003 opened by JanikkinaJ - 2
Incorporating mootools scripts into a gwt application
#10000 opened by superuserpro - 3
GWT Compiler failure with type-use annotations
#10001 opened by natros - 0
NPE in StackTraceDeobfuscator for missing identifiers, plus incorrect methodNames from chromium
#9996 opened by niloc132 - 0
Explore removing/disabling chunk separator feature
#9998 opened by niloc132 - 3
SimpleHtmlSanitizer should support self-closing variants of whitelisted tags
#9994 opened by CrushaKRool - 5
UI component library
#9992 opened by raindroplvy - 1
Annotating an interface method with @JsProperty can produce runtime errors if jsinterop exports are not enabled
#9976 opened by niloc132 - 0
Implement (or document) missing CharSequence methods
#9991 opened by niloc132 - 6
- 0
Provide options for ScriptInjector/CssResource/GssResource to work with CSP headers
#9990 opened by niloc132 - 0
- 2
Whitespace check inconsistency
#9973 opened by zbynek - 4
Support private methods in interfaces
#9987 opened by zbynek - 2
Create github releases for all past GWT releases
#9985 opened by niloc132 - 4
Upgrade from gwt 2.0.0 to 2.11.0 erroring out
#9980 opened by manaspandey45 - 1
- 1
GWT Issue with JDK 17
#9969 opened by priyaagrawal842 - 1
- 0
- 1
GWT from 2.9 to 2.11 Migration Issue Could not find
#9965 opened by Emilyserap