SLIC is a simple location indexing service built with golang and persisted with redis. It's ingests lng/lats and returns a geoIndex. The geospatial indexing library being used here was built by uber h3 Feel free to use it.
It takes several coordinates and places them under an index, such that 1 index can point to numerous user ids.
- You can build a realtime supply service for your ride sharing application
- You can build a realtime demand service for your ride sharing application
- Build a price surging system based on the number of id's in a particular geographical area (geo-index)
First Way
go run server.go
Second Way
go build server.go
and then you run./server
To index location data,
POST /index-location
"id": "1",
"lat": "5.68662590662494",
"lng": "-0.24954311060899848"
should return When the user hasn't changed their zone.
"message": "Success"
When the driver has entered a new zone
"data": {
"id": "1",
"last_index": "614792924527329279",
"latest_index": 614792923793326079
"message": "Success"
When there's an error
"message": "Error"