
Bank app for SWE 266p Software Security

Primary LanguagePython


Test Build Docker

The bankapp is a web app that is built on flask web framework. It is developed as the project for course SWE-266 (Software Security and Dependability).

The app supports the following functions

  • Register with an initial balance
  • Login an existing account
  • Withdraw some amount of money from the bank
  • Deposit some amount of money from the bank
  • Look at the most recent 15 transactions

Please note that currently it does not support logout. You might wanna use the Incognito Window feature in your browser.

A demo of bankapp is hosted in https://bankapp.gwy15.com.

Prepare Environment

First, prepare your environment. You'll need python 3.9 and poetry, which by the way is a nice tool to manage python project, installed on your computer.

Please note that this app works on python 3.9 exclusively. It can work on 3.8, maybe, but I'm too lazy to adapt.

If you have problem installing python 3.9 due to multiple versions collision, please see the Docker section below.

I'll skip installing python3.9. You can find the instructions to install poetry here.

After you get these two basic dependencies, run the following command to setup your workspace:

poetry install


Run the following command to run the app

poetry run flask run

Visit to start the app.

This will launch the app in development mode and hot-reload will be enabled.


To run unit-tests, run

poetry run pytest tests -v


The bankapp only supports deployment on Linux.

On linux, run

poetry run gunicorn bankapp:app

to start the app in development mode.

⚠️ Warning ⚠️

  • Do not use flask run for production.
  • This app is not designed to be run on Windows for production.
  • Before deployment, create a config.local.py beside config.py. You should overwrite the SECRET_KEY value to a strong, random generated secret.

Develop in Docker

Build the docker image:

docker build . -t bankapp

Run the docker image for development (on Windows the line break may not work):

docker run -it --rm \
    -p 5000:5000 \
    -e FLASK_APP=bankapp \
    -e FLASK_ENV=development \
    bankapp \
    flask run -h

Visit to start the app.

Run the docker image for production:

docker run -it --rm -p 80:80 bankapp