- Operating System: Mac -> Microsoft Remote Desktop, Windows -> Default Remote Desktop, Ubuntu -> Remmina
- Machine: cs6304-<mst_username>-01.class.mst.edu
- User: <mst_username>
- Default Password: <mst_password>
- Open “Eclipse”, Right-Click on the “Package Explorer” window, and click import.
- Select “Git”-> “Projects from Git” and click “Next”.
- Select “Clone URI” and click “Next”.
- Copy and Paste “https://github.com/gxanesh/CS6304_SimplePageRank” in the “URI” textbox, and click “Next”.
- Select the "master" branch on Branch Selection and Click "Next"
- For Local Destination, Keep the Directory Field as it is: "/home/<your_SSO>/git/CS6304_SimpleWordCount" and Click "Next"
- Choose “Import existing project”, Click "Next" then Click “Finish”.
- Right-click on the project and select “build path”-> “configure build path” ->” Libraries”->” Add External Jars”.
- Go to "home" -> "git" -> "SimplePageRank" -> "lib" and select all jars and click "Open"-> Click "Apply and Close".
- Open folder "file", you will see the input file named "PageRank.txt"
- Right-click on the project and select "Export".
- Choose type "Java" -> "Jar file" and click "next".
- Select the export destination as "home" -> "git" -> "SimplePageRank" -> "bin" -> Set Name "output.jar" and click "Save" then Click "Finish"
If OutputFolder and/or InputFolder already exist, remove them (using below two commands) before running the next hadoop code.
hadoop fs -rm -r OutputFolder //to remove "OutputFolder" directory and all its files
hadoop fs -rm -r InputFolder //to remove "InputFolder" directory and all its files
Use below commands to run your code.
hadoop fs -mkdir -p InputFolder //to create a new input folder
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal <input file> InputFolder //to copy a file from local directory to hadoop environment
hadoop fs -ls InputFolder //to see the files inside "InputFolder"
hadoop jar <jar file name> <class name> InputFolder OutputFolder //running mapreduce operation
hadoop fs -ls OutputFolder //to see the files inside "OutputFolder"
hadoop fs -cat OutputFolder/part-r-00000 //to see the content inside "OutputFolder/part-r-00000" file
- remove OutputFolder before generating the next results.
- remove/clean InputFolder if you want to use a different file as input.
Error 1: mkdir: Call From cs6304-gs37r-01/ to localhost:9000 failed on connection exception: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
Explanation and Fix: Generally, this error comes if you are running Hadoop first time on your VM after a reset. The below commands will fix it.
hadoop namenode -format
You can use the below command to check if namenode, datanode and nodemanager are running.
Error 2: mkdir: `hdfs://localhost:9000/user/': No such file or directory
Explanation and Fix: The error comes when there is no directory /user and /user/ in hdfs and you are trying to create a folder using "hadoop fs -mkdir InputFolder ".
The below command will create the directory structure if required and solve the problem.
hdfs dfs -mkdir -p InputFolder
Error: "shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd"
- the directory at which you are when you try to run the Hadoop command does not exist anymore.
Warning 1: WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
Fix: You can just ignore this warning.