
TextBoxes re-implement using tensorflow

Primary LanguagePython


TextBoxes re-implementation using tensorflow. This project is greatly inspired by slim project And many functions are modified based on SSD-tensorflow project Later, we will overwrite this project so make it more flexiable and modularized.

Author: Daitao Xing : dx383@nyu.edu Jin Huang : jh5442@nyu.edu


2017/ 03/14  

data_processing phase finished Test:

1. Download the dataset, put 1/ folder and gt.mat uner ddata/sythtext/ folder(will wirte script)   
2. python datasets/data2record.py    
3. python image_processing.py    

output: batch_size * 300 * 300 * 3 image

2017/ 03/17  

Finish the design of training(can start training)

python train.py \
--train_dir=${TRAIN_DIR} \
--dataset_dir=${DATASET_DIR} \
--save_summaries_secs=60 \
--save_interval_secs=600 \
--weight_decay=0.0005 \
--optimizer=adam \
--learning_rate=0.001 \

Problems to be solved:

1. Need to redesign visualization		
2. image_processing can be improved

Next steps:

  1. traing on other datasets
  2. fine tunes
  3. test
  4. automatic downloading datasets and so on