
These scripts are for my personal usage to configure a ready-to-use Windows environment for me.

Primary LanguagePowerShell

Reimage the Windows

These scripts to configure a ready-to-use Windows environment.

Re-install Windows

The following command will re-install Windows 10\11\insider for you.

Right click the start button, click Windows PowerShell(Admin).

iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://github.com/Anduin2017/configuration-script-win/raw/main/Reimage.ps1'))


  • It will ask you the downloaded Windows ISO file. You can download it with any tool you like, and provide it the file name.
  • It will ask you for a clean disk drive. For example: Disk E:\. Provide it with any disk you like. (Except current OS drive)

In China? There is a proxy for China network which bypass the firewall.

iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://githubcontent.aiurs.co/Anduin2017/configuration-script-win/main/Reimage.ps1'))


This next part may NOT be designed for YOU! It is for my personal usage to config the newly installed Windows as a ready to use state.

You need to fork this repo, and modify some configuration path in the source code.

For example:

  • I copied my SSH private key file from my OneDrive. Which requires you to modify those logic.
  • I copied my Windows Terminal configuration file from my OneDrive. Which requires you to modify those logic.

One-key post config

Right click the start button, click Windows PowerShell(Admin).

Edit now

iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://gitee.com/guo_xiaohao/configuration-script-win/blob/main/install.ps1'))

<<<<<<< HEAD In China? There is a proxy for China network which bypass the firewall.

iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://gitee.com/guo_xiaohao/configuration-script-win/blob/main/install.ps1'))


anduin/main Caution: DO NOT RUN this in Windows Terminal!!! Instead, start a pure PowerShell with admin instead!


One-key post config for Ubuntu

Open bash, and run:

sudo apt install -y curl && curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Anduin2017/configuration-script-win/main/ubuntu.sh" --output - | sudo bash