
Developed a project to integrate multiple skills in TypeScript, React and APIs. Utilized Axios to fetch data from South Park and MediaWiki APIs, displaying character and episode information. Incorporated localStorage, custom Hooks, pagination, search queries, and React Router DOM for routing.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

South Park Project

Live demo

Project created to practice multiple aspects of TypeScript and interfaces/types. The website uses Axios to fetch data from the South Park API and displays information about the characters and about the episodes of the series (two different endpoints). Because of the lack of information of the South Park API, the MediaWiki API from South Park is also used. I learnt about different components and their aspects with TypeScript. The project also uses localStorage to store data accessed, custom Hooks from React, pagination from React Router DOM and search queries from the API.

Tech used:

  • TypeScript
  • React (useContext, useEffect, useState, customHooks)
  • Vanilla JavaScript (scrollTo, conditional rendering)
  • React Router (useLocation, Route, NavLink, Link)
  • localStorage
  • Axios
  • Styled Components (ThemeProvider, dark/light, global)
  • South Park API and MediaWiki API