
Primary LanguagePython


Clone recursively to pull the modified version of ALE too:

git clone --recursive git@github.com:shelhamer/ale-record.git


You may need to brew install and/or pip install a bunch of things. In particular, pygame is a pain to install. Hopefully this works for you:

pip install hg+http://bitbucket.org/pygame/pygame

We also need to compile ALE with SDL:

cd Arcade-Learning-Environment
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DUSE_SDL=on
make -j8

Finally, you'll need Arcade-Learning-Environment on your PYTHONPATH. You can source .envrc in the repo root, or install the excellent direnv to have it automatically modify your path whenever you enter this directory.


python record.py --help will tell you the slighest bit about what to do.

Invoking with

python record.py new roms/enduro.bin enduro.h5 --episodes 10

will fire up the recorder for 10 episodes of enduro, saving the demonstrations to enduro.h5, with a 30 minute limit on the demonstration time.