
Primary LanguagePython


This project contains three services: auth, main, and encrypt service

The main service receives a request to get data for a particular stock symbol.

The main service fetches the data and sends it to the encrypt(with AES 256) service to get that data in encrypted form

Then the main service returns the encrypted data back as a response.

Both the services validates the token present in the request

For this project I have used https://www.alphavantage.co/documentation/ as public API for fetching the stock symbol data which has limitations like 5 requests per 30 seconds and 500 requests per day. I have hardcoded my apikey(free account).

Steps to run the application

Clone the repo from -> https://github.com/gy2108/finantier.git

cd finantier

docker-compose up


1. auth

Endpoint: /token/{user_id}

Sample Request: http://localhost:8001/token/101

Sample Response: { "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDEsImV4cCI6MTYyMjk5OTg1Mn0.Vn3cd158_IrNWOelYQI33eh4odDXWbMW6HIpgzJJ1Rs" } http code: 200

2. main

Endpoint: /symbol/{symbol}

Sample Request: http://localhost:8002/symbol/INFY

Sample Response: { "cipher_text": "gWr2pdc7BAhPlYid27ATTSeiUYdhjzQcMOjbD5FP0RcgNUZqPz6DHHeWPzwq0dLGWmXMA8eiuQ==" } http code : 200

If rate limit exceeded or error from public API {"error_message": "Please try after Some time"} http code: 500

If symbol is invalid: {"error_message": "Not a Valid Symbol"} http code : 404

If token expired: { "error_message": "token is invalid" } http code : 403

If token not passed: { "error_message": "a valid token is missing" } http code : 403

3. encrypt

Endpoint: /encrypt, Request Body: Json

Sample Request: http://localhost:8003/encrypt

Request Body : { "symbol": "IBM", "open": "146.0000", "high": "147.5500", "low": "145.7600", "price": "147.4200", "volume": "3117905", "latest trading day": "2021-06-04", "previous close": "145.5500", "change": "1.8700", "change percent": "1.2848%" }

Sample Response: { "cipher_text": "/+R7b//f9m/DAnLlDsXxjs+5TRIgb5bwZAGbqyzop0wKB5KOFEZHzcXeD8cE3rW/DdOjP9qHbz8F8SlN2NuVw==" } http code : 200

If token not passed: { "error_message": "a valid token is missing" } http code : 403

If token expired: { "error_message": "token is invalid" } http code : 403

Currently the Auth service is only working as per the expiry time of the token(30 seconds) Would have implemented database service to store few users to validate the userid from the decoded token, but was not able to do because of time constraint. So for now the service gives back proper response till the time token is valid, doesn't depend which user is making the request.