
If the system is connected to numerous loads in a power system, then the system frequency and speed change with the characteristics of the governor as the load changes. So, if constant frequency is required the operator needs to adjust the velocity of the turbine by changing the characteristics of the governor when required. Herein, ANN based controller is designed to handle sudden load variation.

#power Station parameters: #Turbine Time Constant, Tt = 0.5 seconds, #Governor Time Constant, Tg = 0.2 seconds, #Generator Inertia Constant, H = 5 seconds, #The governor speed regulation is set to R = 0.05 per unit. The turbine rated power is 300 MW at nominal frequency of 60 Hz. A sudden load change of 50 MW (ΔPL = 0.2 per unit) occurs. #The load varies by 0.8 percent for a 1 percent change in frequency, i.e. D = 0.8.