
This is the npm package template to create and publish vue.js plugin by yourself.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This is the npm package template to create and publish vue.js plugin by yourself.

How to publish package on NPM?

0. Requirements

You need your NPM account to publish your own package. If you don't have the account, let's register on NPM.

1. initialize

Run the command to install dependencies and initialize your package.

$ yarn install
$ yarn init

There will be some questions as below.

  • name
  • version
  • description
  • entrypoint
  • repository
  • author
  • license
  • private

I recommend that you set entrypoint to index.js(default) because of default setting in tsconfig.json.

2. implementation

You can create your plugin in src/.

3. build

Run the command to build your typescript code.

$ yarn build

4. commit and create tag

Before publication, commit your code and create version tag on your repository.

5. publication

Run the command to publish your package.

$ npm adduser 
$ npm publish ./
