
These are Exercises for DeepLearning (by Andrew Ng) by python.

Primary LanguagePython

DeepLearning.ai Assignments

These are Exercises for DeepLearning (by Andrew Ng) by python.


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Environment 环境

Python ---------- 3.6.8
TensorFlow ----- 1.13.1
Keras ------------ 2.2.4

notes 备注

1.在第四课第三周的练习中,原来的ipynb里yolo_outputs内四个矩阵的顺序和现在应该略有不同,box_xy和box_wh应该在第1、2个参数,而不是第2、3个参数,否则yolo_eval运行报错(ValueError: Dimensions must be equal, but are 2 and 80 for 'mul_1' (op: 'Mul') with input shapes: [19,19,5,2], [19,19,5,80].),推测是因为yolo_head函数的返回值顺序在后来的版本中发生了改变。


3.第五课第二周中的data文件夹、第三周中的XY_dev、XY_train文件夹体积过大,所以放到网盘里。p(remove)an.bai(remove)du.c(remove)om/s/11N1FhI-b0wqLw9iHBl2ddw 提取:6otq 。下载后压缩包的解压密码为DL。

references 参考

  1. @fengdu78 的 deeplearning_ai_books