
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Commonsense Knowledge Mining from Term Definitions

This repository contains the source code released along with our paper Commonsense Knowledge Mining from Term Definitions at the Commonsense Knowledge Graphs (CSKGs) Workshop of AAAI 2021 (https://usc-isi-i2.github.io/AAAI21workshop/).

If you find our paper and code useful for your research, please cite

  title     = {Commonsense Knowledge Mining from Term Definitions},
  author    = {Zhicheng Liang and Deborah L. McGuinness},
  booktitle = {The Commonsense Knowledge Graphs (CSKGs) Workshop of AAAI 2021},
  year      = {2021}



1. Create a python3 virtual environment and install the dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

and set python path to the repo root directory using


2. Download resources

sh scripts/download_ckbc_data.sh data/CKBC
sh scripts/download_conceptnet.sh data/conceptnet

3. Extract data from ConceptNet

python wiktionary/conceptnet.py

4. Crawl Wiktionary term definitions

python wiktionary/crawl_term.py

This step is time consuming due to the large vocabulary.

Mine Commonsense Knowledge Triples

1. Analyze and collect POS tag sequence patterns from triples

python wiktionary/triple_pos_tag_analyzer.py

2. Extract commonsense knowledge triples from term definitions using frequent POS tag patterns

python wiktionary/wiktionary_triple_extractor.py

Score extracted candidate triples using different models

1. Bilinear AVG model

python wiktionary/wiktionary_triple_evaluation.py

2. KG-BERT model

The code is adapted from the repo of KG-BERT: BERT for Knowledge Graph Completion. We add CKBC data for training. To train on CKBC data, run

sh kg-bert/train_ckbc.sh

After training, to evaluate on Wiktionary candidate triples, run

sh kg-bert/test_wiktionary.sh

3. PMI model

The code is adapted from the repo of Commonsense Knowledge Mining from Pretrained Models. We modify their implementation to support batch inference for efficiency. Given the large amount of candidate triples, we also leverage the cluster to run predictions in parallel with each node running on a smaller split input.

To split candidate triple files, run

sh Extracting-CK-from-Large-LM/split_files.sh [input dir] [output dir] [number of lines per file]

To run prediction:

python Extracting-CK-from-Large-LM/wiktionary_experiment.py 
 --test_file_path [test_file_path] 
 --test_file_name [test_file_name] 
 --output_dir [output_dir] 

For example, to score triples of the AtLocation relation, run

python Extracting-CK-from-Large-LM/wiktionary_experiment.py 
 --test_file_path ./data/wiktionary_relationwise_candidates_by_pos_tag_core/atlocation.txt 
 --test_file_name atlocation.txt 
 --output_dir ./data/pmi_coherency_wiktionary_core 

If needed to merge scored split triple files back, run

python Extracting-CK-from-Large-LM/merge_split_files.py 
 --input_dir [input_dir] 
 --output_dir [output_dir] 

For example:

python Extracting-CK-from-Large-LM/merge_split_files.py 
 --input_dir ./data/pmi_coherency_wiktionary_core_split 
 --output_dir ./data/pmi_coherency_wiktionary_core 


1. Plot score distributions of different models

python wiktionary/score_dist_plot.py

2. Compute the Kendall’s tau coefficients between pairs of models

python wiktionary/kendall_tau.py

3. Check novelty of extracted triples

python wiktionary/check_novelty.py --model BILINEAR-AVG
python wiktionary/check_novelty.py --model KG-BERT
python wiktionary/check_novelty.py --model PMI

4. Sample qualified candidate triples for manual evaluation

python wiktionary/sample_triple_subset.py

5. Check novelty of triples sampled for manual evaluation

python wiktionary/check_novelty.py --model BILINEAR-AVG --samples_only
python wiktionary/check_novelty.py --model KG-BERT --samples_only
python wiktionary/check_novelty.py --model PMI --samples_only


If you have any question regarding the code, feel free to create a github issue or email us (emails provided in the paper).