
Command line filter to enforce unix linefeed conventions on input files

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

What is this?

unixlf is a unix command line tool that filters input lines with any line end convention and outputs lines with unix line end conventions.

It is useful for converting files from DOS or Mac (OSX) systems into unix format without knowing the source input line conventions in advance.

Use this program to ensure that a given input data conforms to the desired line end convention.

How do I install it?

Install to the default destination directory of '/usr/local/bin' with the command

`make install`

Provide an alternate destination directory if desired:

`make DESTDIR=~/bin install`

If you just want to build but not install, use the command


Build the program and run tests with the command

`make tests`

How do I use it?

As a filter program, unixlf reads from stdin and prints to stdout.

The command

`unixlf < inputfile`

filters the content of inputfile to stdout, while the command

`unixlf < inputfile > outputfile`

puts the output in outputfile.

unixlf can also be combined with other tools in a standard pipeline such as in this example.

`unixlf < inputfile | awk '$1 ~ /Chapter/ {print $2}`

Tell me more

Text lines in unix end with the new line character (LF, \012). Text lines on other common platforms end with carriage return (CR, \015) or CRLF (\015\012). The program changes either kind to new lines. However, carriage returns that are preceded with a backslashed escape character are not modified.

The test files in the 't' directory provide good examples if various inputs and their corresponding expected outputs.

Where do I send praise or blame?

unixlf is written by Gyepi Sam self-unixlf@gyepi.com