FarMar Finder

In this assignment we will be creating an application to look up Farmers Markets and their related vendors, products, and sales. We will use CSV files as our database.

Getting Started

  1. Pair up!
  2. The individual closest to the center of the room will fork the repo:
  3. Add the second individual as a collaborator
  4. Both individuals will clone the repo git clone [YOUR FORKED REPO URL]
  5. Both individuals cd into the dir created cd far_mar_finder
  6. Both individuals install rspec (in

gem install rspec

Start building! (but read on for more info)


There are several CSV data files:



Build classes to query the CSV data including objects and methods listed below. Before going too deeply into the methods listed, start by building a system to read the csv files and turn each row of data into an instance of the corresponding ruby class.

To manage our data classes we will use a file named /lib/far_mar_finder.rb

require 'csv'
require 'time'
require_relative 'market'
# ... require all needed classes

class FarMarFinder
  # Your Code Here

You will start by creating methods for FarMarFinder to return the class of each of the supporting classes

finder =
 #=> Market
 #=> Vendor
 #=> Product
 #=> Sale

We will build class methods on the returned class Object

finder =
 # => [...] Returns all instances of the Market class

See below for full description of methods to create.


For each of the data classes build the following methods:

  • self.all - returns all rows of the CSV file as objects
  • self.find(id) - returns the row where the ID field matches the argument
  • self.find_by_x(match) - where X is an attribute, returns a single instance whose X attribute case-insensitive attribute matches the match parameter. For instance, Vendor.find_by_name("windler inc") could find a Vendor with the name attribute "windler inc" or "Windler Inc".
  • self.find_all_by_x(match) - works just like find_by_x but returns a collection containing all possible matches. For example Market.find_by_state("WA") could return all of the Market object with "WA" in their state field.

Additional Market Methods

  • vendors - returns a collection of Vendor instances that are associated with the market by the market_id field.

Additional Vendor Methods

  • market - returns the Market instance that is associated with this vendor using the Vendor market_id field
  • products - returns a collection of Product instances that are associated with market by the Product vendor_id field.
  • sales - returns a collection of Sale instances that are associated with market by the vendor_id field.
  • revenue - returns the the sum of all of the vendor's sales (in cents)

Additional Product Methods

  • vendor - returns the Vendor instance that is associated with this vendor using the Product vendor_id field
  • sales - returns a collection of Sale instances that are associated with market using the Sale product_id field.
  • number_of_sales - returns the number of times this product has been sold.

Additional Sale Methods

  • vendor - returns the Vendor instance that is associated with this sale using the Sale vendor_id field
  • product - returns the Product instance that is associated with this sale using the Sale product_id field
  • self.between(beginning_time, end_time) - returns a collection of Sale objects where the purchase time is between the two times given as arguments


To run our test suite use:

rspec -c

Our test suite will run tests to ensure that some of our required methods are implemented correctly.

Note: It will be best to create the basic file for the four supporting classes before running our tests

class Market


and requiring them in /lib/far_mar_finder.rb.


You will be evaluated on:

  • Running rspec from Terminal with no failures
  • Demonstrating, in IRB, a few of the methods listed above (asked at random).
  • Code quality (is your code organized and logical)
  • Extra credit for additional methods to add neat functionality
  • Extra credit for writing additional specs

More Info


Our supporting classes will also live in the /lib dir.


The Market data, in order in the CSV, consists of:

  1. ID
  2. Name
  3. Address
  4. City
  5. County
  6. State
  7. Zip

An individual market has many vendors


The Vendor data, in order in the CSV, consists of:

  1. ID
  2. Name
  3. No. of Employees
  4. Market_id

Each vendor belongs to a market, the market_id field relates to the Market ID field. Each vendor has many products they sell.


The Product data, in order in the CSV, consists of:

  1. ID
  2. Name
  3. Vendor_id

Each product belongs to a vendor, the vendor_id field relates to the Vendor ID field.


The Sale data, in order in the CSV, consists of:

  1. ID
  2. Amount (in cents)
  3. Purchase Time
  4. Vendor_id
  5. Product_id

Each sale belongs to a vendor AND an product, the vendor_id and product_id fields relates to the Vendor and Product ID fields