
Telegram weather-bot

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Telegram bot hosting on Heroku


Deploying via Heroku Toolbelt (CLI)

Install Heroku Toolbelt, then:

Clone repository

Edit files

  1. Edit bot.py file with your code

    1. ATTENTION! Do not collapse/delete/comment some_token = os.environ[SOME_TOKEN] style stings (you can delete redis setup line if you do not need it), do not change them with your REAL tokens, all tokens will be setted up below in this guide!

    2. More About Config Vars

    3. Also, don't do like this, it's insecure, realy.

  2. Edit requirments.txt with your code's dependencies

  3. Specify your python runtime, avaliable versions listed here

## Deploying via [Heroku Dashboard](https://dashboard.heroku.com) (GUI)
1. [Fork](https://github.com/Kylmakalle/heroku-telegram-bot/fork) this repo to your account. 
2. [Edit files](https://github.com/Kylmakalle/heroku-telegram-bot#edit-files)
3. Go to [Dashboard](https://dashboard.heroku.com), login, Press _New_ and choose _Create new app._
4. Fill in an _App Name_ and choose _Runtime Region._
5. Connect your GitHub repo at _Deploy_ page.
6. Setup **Automatics deploys** _(Optionaly)._
7. _Deploy a GitHub branch._
8. Then go to a _Settings_ page, click _Reveal Config Vars_ and then add your own, for example:
![Config Vars](http://i.imgur.com/C3cmphh.png)
9. **Finally**, go to the _Resources_ page.
    1. Install _Heroku Redis_ add-on _(Optionaly)_
    2. Press on a small pen button, move slider and then click _Confirm_, that will start bot dyno.
    3. Simply move slider back if you need to stop bot dyno, remember to click _Confirm_.
    4. If for some reason it’s not working, check the logs here 

### More about
- https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/dynos
- https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/config-vars
- https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-redis
- https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/error-codes