This project is inspired by [3] which accounts for the Machine Reading Comprehension task [1]. It is first a Tensorflow[2] implementation of [3], then a further exploration combing End-to-End MRC model with statistical inference model. The major intention of this project is to validate the power of integrating statistical inference into deep learning model on MRC task.
- Stanford CoreNLP[4]
- Java 8
- py-corenlp[5]
- Stanford Glove[6]
- Tensorflow[2] 1.4.0 for Python 3.6.3
- CUDA 9
[1] Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD)
[2] Tensorflow.
[3] R-NET: Machine Reading Comprehension with Self-matching Networks
[4] The Stanford CoreNLP Natural Language Processing Toolkit
[5] py-corenlp