
UTM Harbor Management Tool

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

utmh - UTM Harbor Management Tool

utmh (UTM Harbor) is a simple project to provide ready to use images (e.g. Linux and BSD) for Apple Silicon (ARM64 based) CPUs with UTM. UTM is a QEMU based full featured system emulator and virtual machine host for iOS and macOS which allows to run Linux, BSD, Windows and several other operating systems on your iPhone, iPad and Mac. While UTM is a mac'ish app, utmh provides a server and client tool to fetch ready to use images that can be directly used without further installation or adjustments to credentials, SSH setups or similar. utmh requires a utmharbor (a repository) that serves the final images. umth is fully written in Python.

Table of Content


After switching to an ARM64 based Apple Silicon CPU my current workflow broke. While Vagrant with VirtualBox were my daily workflow, this completely broke on the new architecture. However, I searched to alternatives beside of Docker since this solution was not cappable of all features I need for developement. Unfortunately, I did not find something similar, but UTM provides a great tool for virtualizing and emulation of guest systems. It just missed a proper solution like vagrant init debian/testing, but there is already a Gallery with some usable image. However, these ones may not match the requirements for DevOps. This is where utmh becomes handy and fills the gap. All images are fully compatible with Apple Silicon CPUs and ARM64 based. However, you may also ship and use legacy AMD64 images (which is not the primary goal).


utmh is an overall name for this project which consists of a repository (utm-harbor), server tool and client tool.

  • Repository: Serves static files (images, meta files)
  • Server: Generates and updates meta files
  • Client: Downloads and manages image files


A usable utmh image consists of the image itself ($image.tgz) and the corresponding meta file ($image.yaml) that provides additional information. Therefore, it needs at least these two files:

  • bsd_freebsd_13.1_minimal_arm64.tgz - Image Artifact
  • bsd_freebsd_13.1_minimal_arm64.yaml - Image Metadata

Image Metadata Structure

  sha256: 81dcd909a6b153a131d84bafd90cb2d382ab64926ed14e60f6666ea4c88b7da7
  os_tpye: BSD
  os: FreeBSD
  version: 13.1
  type: minimal
  arch: arm64
  root-pw: Builder1337

Image Structure

Images are shipped in a compressed tar ball which includes the $imagename.utm. Mostly the given content is included in the $imagename.utm:

|-- Images
|   |-- data.qcow2
|   |-- efi_vars.fd
|-- config.plist
|-- view.plist

Image Credentials

Client Tool

Client Requirements

Installation of additional packages for Python:

pip3 install pyyaml

Client Configuration

The client configuration is stright forward and just needs a simple YAML config within the .utmh subfolder in your home directory.


# Required
server: https://utm-harbor.gyptazy.ch
port: 443
ssl_verify: true
image_path: downloads/
log: test.log

# Optional for image uploads
user: gyptazy
password: 1SomE_cRaZy_PaSsWoRd1
Option Value Description
server https://utm-harbor.gyptazy.ch HTTP(s) URI to remote repositoy
port 443 TCP Port to use (if repository server is running on uncommon port)
ssl_verify true Disable/enable SSL verify
image_path downloads/ Path to download/save images
log test.log Path to log file
user $username Username to use for uploading images
password $password Password to use for uploading images

By default, the https://utm-harbor.gyptazy.ch mirror will be used and can be adjusted to any other. ssl-verify allows you to skip further SSL validation on self signed certificates.

Client Usage

This chapter briefly describes all options of the utmh client tool.

List Images

All present images on the configured repository can be listed by utmh list.


$> utmh list
BSD   | FreeBSD | 13.1     | Minimal | ARM64
BSD   | NetBSD  | 9.2      | Minimal | ARM64
Linux | Debian  | Bullseye | Minimal | ARM64

Download Images

Images can be downloaded by using the utmh download $imagename command. By default, the registry from the config file will be used.


$> utmh download bsd_freebsd_13.1_minimal_arm64
Downloading bsd_freebsd_13.1_minimal_arm64...
Received OK: bsd_freebsd_13.1_minimal_arm64
SHA256 OK: 81dcd909a6b153a131d84bafd90cb2d382ab64926ed14e60f6666ea4c88b7da7
Unpackaged: bsd_freebsd_13.1_minimal_arm64.tgz
Ready to use.

Upload Images

Images can be uploaded by using the utmh upload $imagename command. By default, the registry from the config file will be used. Uploading an image requires to provide the image itself ($image.tgz) and the corresponding meta file ($image.yaml) that provides additional information. Suffixes like .tgz and .yaml will automatically be processed.


$> utmh upload bsd_freebsd_13.1_minimal_arm64
Uploading bsd_freebsd_13.1_minimal_arm64...
Received OK: bsd_freebsd_13.1_minimal_arm64
SHA256 OK: 81dcd909a6b153a131d84bafd90cb2d382ab64926ed14e60f6666ea4c88b7da7
Ready to use.

Remove (local) Images

Images can be removed from local storage by using the utmh remove $imagename command.


$> utmh remove bsd_freebsd_13.1_minimal_arm64
Removed OK: bsd_freebsd_13.1_minimal_arm64

Note: Images will be removed directly without further prompt.

Start Images

Currently there is no possibility in UTM (upstream) to run images in headless mode, nor any cli tools for managing. As soon as there is any possibility this will be included.

Stop Images

Currently there is no possibility in UTM (upstream) to run images in headless mode, nor any cli tools for managing. As soon as there is any possibility this will be included.

Server Tool (utm-harbor)

Server Requirements

The utm-harbor can serve the image and metadata itself or use an already present webserver like Apache, nginx or something similar. Since there are only static files no further configuration will be needed. The repository index will be updated by server tool and only needs the permissions to write within the given htdocs. Next to it, Python3 will be needed.

Server Repository Structure

Within the htdocs the following structure is given:

├── credentials
│   ├── rootpw
│   ├── utm_harbor_generic
│   └── utm_harbor_generic.pub
├── images
│   ├── bsd_freebsd_13.1_minimal_arm64.tgz
│   ├── bsd_freebsd_13.1_minimal_arm64.yaml
│   ├── bsd_netbsd_9.2_minimal_arm64.tgz
│   ├── bsd_netbsd_9.2_minimal_arm64.yaml
│   ├── linux_archlinux_rolling_minimal_arm64.tgz
│   ├── linux_archlinux_rolling_minimal_arm64.yaml
│   ├── linux_centos_stream_9_minimal_arm64.tgz
│   ├── linux_centos_stream_9_minimal_arm64.yaml
│   ├── linux_debian_bullseye_minimal_arm64.tgz
│   ├── linux_debian_bullseye_minimal_arm64.yaml
│   ├── linux_debian_testing_minimal_arm64.tgz
│   ├── linux_debian_testing_minimal_arm64.yaml
│   ├── linux_gardenlinux_kvm-dev_arm64.tgz
│   ├── linux_gardenlinux_kvm-dev_arm64.yaml
│   ├── linux_ubuntu_22.04_minimal_arm64.tgz
│   ├── linux_ubuntu_22.04_minimal_arm64.yaml
│   └── [...]
├── INDEX.yaml
└── README.txt


The credentials folder may contain the following static file names:

  • rootpw - This provides the default root password for images
  • utm_harbor_generic - The private SSH key
  • utm_harbor_generic.pub - The public SSH key


The images folder provides the images itself, as well as their metadata. All metadata will be slurped by the server tool and written out to the INDEX.yaml.


This file contains all information of the single images and their metadata and will be used as the source of truth. This file is consumed by the clients and indicates the present images and their configuration.

Server Configuration

The server configuration is stright forward and just needs a simple YAML config.


srv_engine: nginx
srv_root: /var/www/utm-harbor.gyptazy.ch/htdcos/
log: /var/log/utmh-server.log

Server Usage

The utmh-server generate -c $server-config.yaml commands creates the new repo index (INDEX.yaml) and should be performed at least after every new image upload. When running a setup with multiple users that may upload images, you may want to run this periodically by a cronjob or systemd-timer.

Cronjob Example:

*/5 * * * * $user /opt/utmh-server generate -c /opt/server-config.yaml

Public Repositories

Attached a short overview of public repositories that can be used as an image regestry:

Server Port SSL Location Operator
utm-harbor.gyptazy.ch 443 True Frankfurt, Germany @gyptazy

Bugs & Issues

Bugs and Issues can be directly reported for any kind of issue on the Projects Issue Tracker. Feel free to request new features or to provide further feedback.


Currently, this project is a one man show. If you want to get in touch with me, you may contact me via my contact formular on https://gyptazy.ch/#contacts-e. You can also contact me via encrypted mails by using GPG.