This is a simple backup python program for normally all linux distributions (works on Fedora 33 so far).
You can choose a device on which you want to put your data as such
user@os:~$ python3 -c
You are about to change origin and destination paths:
Continue? (y/n): y
Your actual origin path is: /home/user
Your actual destination path is: /run/media/user/usb-whatever
Where do you want to back up ?
1) USB drive (media/...)
2) Somewhere else
3) Set default
Input choice: 1
Here are all your devices | their path:
1) [USB_NAME] | /path/to/usb/device
2) [USB_NAME] | /path/to/usb/device
Which one will you choose ?
And it will do your backup simply by executing the script with python3
in the terminal.
backup [COMMANDS] or python3 /path/to/file/ [COMMANDS]
--choose / -c => to change the destination folder or device
--help / -h => display this help message
--version / -v => show version
--show / -s => show [DESTINATION] then [ORIGIN] directories
default ORIGIN directory: /home/[USER]
default DESTINATION directoty: NONE
- Create an alias in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_aliases file
- Add comments in script