Do something every single day
All you have to do is npm install
npm install
- At the very first, You have to transpile ES6 written Javascript files. Run gulp and you will get bundled file of client-side-files in client/, and babel-transpiled file of server-side-files in build/. Then, nodemon automatically starts build/server.js.
npm run gulp
If you have changes in client-side-files, do as below and it will bundle all Javascript files in client/. Then attach watcher on clinet/ and this will automatically re-bundle the files when there is any change in client-side-files.
npm run webpack-watch
If you have changes in server-side-files, run gulp again and this will work as same as above.
npm run gulp
- You can use react-hot-loader on client-side-files in client/.
npm run webpack-hot
- Aware: This cannot interact with server.
- start with transpiled 'build/server.js' using node
npm start
- 'npm run gulp' is same as 'gulp' because they use the same gulpfile.js in root.
- Can be executed with 'npm run gulp eslint' or 'gulp eslint' (latter needs 'gulp' in global)
- 'npm run gulp' also checks synthax error with eslint in cases below :
- not indented with 2 spaces
- not ended with semi-colons
- not wrapped with double-quotes