
57개의 머신러닝 관련 알고리즘 소개


Machine learning과 관련된 여러가지 알고리즘을 정리합니다.
11월 23일 ~ 26일 사이에 40개 완료 예정 예상기간 X


  1. Residual network
  2. Batch normalization
  3. Backpropagation
  4. Shuffle net
  5. Variational autoencoder
  6. Attention
  7. Mobile net
  8. BEGAN
  9. CRELU
  10. ReLU
  11. DCGAN
  12. InfoGAN
  13. Dropout
  14. Gaussian mixture
  15. Expetation maximization
  16. Softmax
  17. LSTM
  18. GRU
  19. Resnext
  20. Fractal net
  21. BLEU
  22. Inception module
  23. Weight diverge
  24. REINFORCE algorithm
  25. Actor-critic
  26. Model-free RL
  27. Bayes theorem
  28. K-means clustering
  29. Bossting
  30. Decision tree
  31. Principal component analysis
  32. Eigenvalue
  33. Linear regression
  34. Binomial distribution
  35. Support vector machin
  36. p-value
  37. Adaboost
  38. Markov decision process
  39. Hidden Markov model
  40. Q-learning
  41. Dynamic programming
  42. Law of large numbers
  43. Singular value decomposition
  44. Curese of dimension
  45. Wasserstein distance
  46. Kullback-Leibler divergence
  47. L2 norm
  48. A3C
  49. Cycle GAN
  50. Monte Carlo tree search
  51. Capsule networks
  52. r-CNN
  53. Faster r-CNN
  54. YOLO algorithm
  55. Wavenet
  56. Wavelet
  57. SARSA algorithm


유튜브 : https://www.youtube.com
추천 유튜버 : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCML9R2ol-l0Ab9OXoNnr7Lw
위키 : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
도서 : http://book.naver.com/bookdb/book_detail.nhn?bid=4753048