
ActivityPlanner is an universal software for helping in teaching students in a modern way.

Primary LanguageJava



What is ActityPlanner?

ActivityPlanner is an universal software for helping in teaching students in a modern way.

Example usage purposes

  • making projects together
  • sharing study materials
  • organizing various events
  • setting up deadlines
  • consulting with lectors
  • chatting with schoolmates

Setup & Usage

Step 1: Download or compile the software:

You can download the already compiled releases of the software from the artifacts directory or from the releases page.

The project should be compiled using Maven by using the mvn install command.

Step 2: First run

After completing the first step, you should run the software, so it could generate it's default configuration.

You can double click to the application for running it in GUI only mode. If you would like to see the console too, then you can run it using the java -jar ActivityPlanner-1.1.jar command.

Step 3: Configuration

After running the program first time, make sure to close it.

You can see that the programs configuration (conf.json) has been generated. It's important, that the configuration should only be edited, when the program is not running, otherwise your changes in config, won't have any effect, since the program saves the config, when you close it.

Open the conf.json file with a text editor, and edit it according to your requirements. The students usernames, passwords and their lectors can only be set in the configuration, while the created contents and their elements can be created, edited and removed in the GUI too.

Step 4: Finished

You are done with the setup and can use the application whenever you want.



  • Initial release


  • Setup a whole maven building process
  • Added AutoSaver aspect for automatically saving the configuration on every data change
  • Added UML class hierarchy visualization for the core part
  • Added documentation (README.MD with screenshots and JavaDoc)


  • Added JavaDOC zip generation to build process


  • Improved generated UML
  • Added project realization document

Logical parts

ActivityPlanner consists of two logical parts: the core and the GUI part.

Core part

The core part includes all the required logic for making the application work.

The exact class hierarchy of the core part can be found in the doc/uml.uxf file.

GUI part

The graphical user interface part consists of the following screens:

  • Login


When you start ActivityPlanner you will see this screen. After entering the username and the password of a valid user you can press the ENTER or click to the Login button for logging in

  • User Dashboard

User Dashboard

You can see this screen after logging in. It consists of the following elements:

  1. Your username: Just an informative text, for checking who is logged in
  2. Logout button: Click to it for logging out
  3. Tables column: Here you can find all the tables accessible by the logged in user. Tables are information blocks. They consists of a title, subtitle, and a list of elements. They also have a color, which is randomly choice on when you create them. You can click to a table for opening its content viewer. Lectors can see and edit their own and their students tables. Students can see their lectors, and their lectors students tables. Students can see and edit their own tables.
  4. Alerts column: Here you can find all the alerts accessible by the logged in user. Alerts not only have all the properties, what Tables have, but they also have a date parameter which can be used for setting up due dates for various events or tasks. Alerts have the same visibility and edit permission system, as Tables.
  5. Chat column: ActivityPlanner has a built in chat system, for giving the possibility for students and lectors to directly communicate between each other very easily. There are individual and group chat channels too. And users can also communicate with themselves for making private notes easily.
  6. New Table button: Creates a new Table
  7. Remove Table button: You can see this icon on the right top corner of every Table to which you have edit permission. It removes the Table.
  8. New Alert button: Creates a new Alert. By default Alerts date is their creation time.
  9. Remove Alert button: Removes the Alert. If you remove a Table or an Alert it's every opened content viewer window will be closed automatically
  10. Chat channel selector icons:
    1. Student selector for individual chatting with a student. Lectors can only see their students, while students see a list of their lectors and if they hover their mouse over a lectors name the list of students of that lector shows up for them, from which they can select their recipient
    2. Lector selector for group chatting with a lectors group without the lector When a lector clicks to this icon, an error message will appear for them, since lectors can not communicate in this group.
    3. Lector selector for individual chatting with a lector. Lectors can see all the other lectors, while students can only see their own lectors.
    4. Lector selector for group chatting with a lectors group with the lector. For students a menu pops up for selecting the lector, while for lectors this button shows the chat with their group.
  11. Own ChatMessages: You can see your own chat messages in a yellow box, while others chat messages in a silver one. The message senders name is shown on the left top part of the box, while the sending date and time is shown on the right top part of the box.
  12. Others ChatMessages: As you can see the chat messages can be any kind of supported elements, not just simple text messages
  13. Message box: You can write your sendable message to this box. For sending it just press ENTER. For messages containing an URL the message will show up as a link element. If the URL ends to a known file extension, then it will be shown up as an extension to a LinkElement, so it will be AudioElement, PictureElement or VideoElement. You can check this table for the exact extension Element pairs:
Extension Element type
m4a AudioElement
m4b AudioElement
mp3 AudioElement
wav AudioElement
bmp PictureElement
gif PictureElement
jpeg PictureElement
jpg PictureElement
png PictureElement
avi VideoElement
mkv VideoElement
mp4 VideoElement
wmv VideoElement

Content Viewer

You can see this new window popping up when you open an Alert or a Table by clicking to them. It consists of the following elements:

  1. The title of the Content: You can double click to edit it if you have edit permissions
  2. The subtitle of the Content: You can double click to edit it if you have edit permissions
  3. The date of the Alert: For tables you can't see this. You can double click to edit it if you have edit permissions
  4. Edit Element button: You can only see it if you have edit permissions for the opened content. You can click to it for opening the elements editor.
  5. Remove Element button: You can only see it if you have edit permissions for the opened content. You can click to it for removing the element. If an element is removed, it's editors are closed automatically.
  6. Add new Element buttons: You can only see it if you have edit permissions for the opened content. Creates a new element and opens its editor. The types of the supported elements are as follows:
    1. TextElement
    2. LinkElement
    3. AudioElement
    4. PictureElement
    5. VideoElement
  • Text Editor

Text Editor

When you are editing TextElements or the title/subtitle of a Content then you are doing it with this editor. Every change you make will be instantly visible by anything else showing the same text.

  • Date Editor

Date Editor

You are using this editor for changing the date of an Alert You can click to the calendar icon for showing up that popup calendar for easier date selection.

  • Url Editor

Url Editor

You are using this editor for changing a LinkElement or one of it's extensions. You can click to the browse icon next to the link for opening your local file explorer and choosing a file with it.