
🦄 FreeRedis is .NET40+ redis client. supports redis cluster, redis sentinel, redis master-slave, redis pipeline, redis transaction, and redis pool.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

🦄 FreeRedis

FreeRedis is .NET redis client, supports .NETCore 2.1+, .NETFramework 4.0+, And Xamarin

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  • 🌈 RedisClient Keep all method names consistent with redis-cli
  • 🌌 Support Redis Cluster
  • ⛳ Support Redis Sentinel
  • 🎣 Support Redis Master-Slave
  • 📡 Support Redis Pub-Sub
  • 📃 Support Redis Lua Scripting
  • 💻 Support Pipeline
  • 📰 Support Transaction
  • 🌴 Support Geo type commands (redis-server 3.2 or above is required)
  • 🌲 Supports Streams type commands (requires redis-server 5.0 and above)
  • 🌳 Supports Redis 6 RESP3 Protocol


🌈 Single machine redis (单机)

public static RedisClient cli = new RedisClient(",password=123,defaultDatabase=13");
//cli.Serialize = obj => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj);
//cli.Deserialize = (json, type) => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json, type);
cli.Notice += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine(e.Log); //print command log

cli.Set("key1", "value1");
cli.MSet("key1", "value1", "key2", "value2");

string value1 = cli.Get("key1");
string[] vals = cli.MGet("key1", "key2");

Supports strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets, bitmaps, hyperloglogs, geo, streams And BloomFilter.

Parameter Default Explain
protocol RESP2 If you use RESP3, you need redis 6.0 environment
user <empty> Redis server username, requires redis-server 6.0
password <empty> Redis server password
defaultDatabase 0 Redis server database
max poolsize 100 Connection max pool size
min poolsize 5 Connection min pool size
idleTimeout 20000 Idle time of elements in the connection pool (MS), suitable for connecting to remote redis server
connectTimeout 10000 Connection timeout (MS)
receiveTimeout 10000 Receive timeout (MS)
sendTimeout 10000 Send timeout (MS)
encoding utf-8 string charset
ssl false Enable encrypted transmission
name <empty> Connection name, use client list command to view
prefix <empty> key前辍,所有方法都会附带此前辍,cli.Set(prefix + "key", 111);

IPv6: [fe80::b164:55b3:4b4f:7ce6%15]:6379

🎣 Master-Slave (读写分离)

public static RedisClient cli = new RedisClient(

var value = cli.Get("key1");

写入时连接,读取时随机连接 6380 6381

⛳ Redis Sentinel (哨兵高可用)

public static RedisClient cli = new RedisClient(
    new [] { "", "", "" },
    true //是否读写分离

🌌 Redis Cluster (集群)

假如你有一个 Redis Cluster 集群,其中有三个主节点(7001-7003)、三个从节点(7004-7006),则连接此集群的代码:

public static RedisClient cli = new RedisClient(
    new ConnectionStringBuilder[] { "", "", "" }

📡 Subscribe (订阅)

using (cli.Subscribe("abc", ondata)) //wait .Dispose()

void ondata(string channel, string data) =>
    Console.WriteLine($"{channel} -> {data}");

📃 Scripting (脚本)

var r1 = cli.Eval("return {KEYS[1],KEYS[2],ARGV[1],ARGV[2]}", 
    new[] { "key1", "key2" }, "first", "second") as object[];

var r2 = cli.Eval("return {1,2,{3,'Hello World!'}}") as object[];

cli.Eval("return redis.call('set',KEYS[1],'bar')", 
    new[] { Guid.NewGuid().ToString() })

💻 Pipeline (管道)

using (var pipe = cli.StartPipe())
    pipe.IncrBy("key1", 10);
    pipe.Set("key2", Null);

    object[] ret = pipe.EndPipe();
    Console.WriteLine(ret[0] + ", " + ret[2]);

// or Async Callback

using (var pipe = cli.StartPipe())
    var tasks = new List<Task>();
    long t0 = 0;
    task.Add(pipe.IncrByAsync("key1", 10).ContinueWith(t => t0 = t.Result)); //callback

    pipe.SetAsync("key2", Null);

    string t2 = null;
    task.Add(pipe.GetAsync("key1").ContinueWith(t => t2 = t.Result)); //callback

    Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray()); //wait all callback
    Console.WriteLine(t0 + ", " + t2);

📰 Transaction (事务)

using (var tran = cli.Multi())
    tran.IncrBy("key1", 10);
    tran.Set("key2", Null);

    object[] ret = tran.Exec();
    Console.WriteLine(ret[0] + ", " + ret[2]);

// or Async Callback

using (var tran = cli.Multi())
    var tasks = new List<Task>();
    long t0 = 0;
    task.Add(tran.IncrByAsync("key1", 10).ContinueWith(t => t0 = t.Result)); //callback

    tran.SetAsync("key2", Null);

    string t2 = null;
    task.Add(tran.GetAsync("key1").ContinueWith(t => t2 = t.Result)); //callback

    Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray()); //wait all callback
    Console.WriteLine(t0 + ", " + t2);

📯 GetDatabase (切库)

using (var db = cli.GetDatabase(10))
    db.Set("key1", 10);
    var val1 = db.Get("key1");

💕 Donation (捐赠)

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