
Library to import animations made in Flash to Cocos2D

Primary LanguageObjective-C

Version notes:

Fork of Flash2Cocos2D modified to:

  • Use spriteSheets and batchNodes (a blank.png sprite is added in every FTCCharacter, so that texture must exist on the sprite sheet). Also note that for different sprites, a suffix should be added to avoid using the same name.
  • Preload all parts and animations for every XML, so that its only loaded once and not in runtime. (This allows a more heavy use of the library without destroying performance).
  • Update ContentSize of each FTCCharacter aproximately using part positions and animations.
  • Also load color and alpha from xml.
  • Stop scheduler after an animation finishes if loop is set to false.

Additional notes:

- This code has been stripped from the project so it may need some tweaking before using it on another project. - [self scheduleAnimation] is commented on line 286 of FTCCharacter.m. Uncomment or call manually. - If an animation finished and is not set to loop, it will unschedule the internal update to improve performance. If another animation is later triggered, [self scheduleAnimation] will need to be called manually again. - ARC is no longer used in the library, keep that in mind. - Working with Cocos2d 2.0 - ColorUtils utility class added to parse colors in hex from XML into ccColor3B - __FTCOPTIMIZED global constant must be added and set to true if you want preloading to work. This flag was used to test performance between the two systems. - kDebugFTC global constant must be added and set to true or false wheter you want debug graphics to be shown. - I apologize in advance for any english mistake or if you find some spanish comments.

Hope I don't forget anything. If you have any problem getting it to work, don't hesitate to contact me.


This tool provides a fast way of reusing animations made in Flash CS in Cocos2D projects. A minimaly tweaked version of the amazing exporter by Grapefrukt provides a way to export all the animation information (position, rotation, scale) of a Flash made character to xml. The FlashToCocos iOS library reads those xml files and recreates the characters in Cocos2D.

Basic workflow:


- create your character in Flash - create as many animations a needed - every animation has to have a keyframe labeled with an unique name. IE: "*dancing*", "*running*"... - to launch custom events during an animation, you can use keyframes labels prefixed with @. IE: "*@launchSound*" - select 'Export for Actionscript' for your character MovieClip - add the Grapefukrt exporting code on the first frame:
import com.grapefrukt.exporter.simple.SimpleExport;
import com.grapefrukt.exporter.extractors.*;
// change robot for whatever name you want to use
var export:SimpleExport = new SimpleExport(this, "robot"); 
// change RobotCharacterMc for whatever name you MovieClip is in the library
export.textures.add(TextureExtractor.extract(new RobotCharacterMc)); 
AnimationExtractor.extract(export.animations, new RobotCharacterMc);
  • publish
  • on the top left corner click on "click to output"
  • save the zip file
  • unzip the zip file


  • start a Cocos2D project
  • enabled ARC following this instructions
  • add the FlashToCocos Library
  • add the TBXML Library
  • add the results of unzipping the file created from Flash

FTCCharacter Class


FTCharacter is the main class to be used. It extends CCLayer and it's the responsible to load the XML files and textures. There are still a lot of methods exposed that shouldn't be. Hopefully we'll be able to clear the code a little bit in short time.

Class Methods

-(FTCharacter) characterFromXMLFile:(NSString *)xmlFileName

Reads and XML, loads texture and returns a FTCCharacter.
IE: FTCharacter *robot = [FTCharacter characterFromXMLFile:@"robot"]

Instance Methods

-(void) playAnimation:(NSString *)animation loop:(BOOL)loops wait:(BOOL)waits

Starts playing the specified animation. It will loop it if specified. The wait parameter indicates if this animation should wait for the previous one to finish before start playing.

-(void) stopAnimation

Stops the current animation being played.

-(void) pauseAnimation

Pauses the current animation.

-(void) resumeAnimation

Resumes the current paused animation.

-(void) playFrame:(int)_frameIndex fromAnimation:(NSString *)_animationId

Sets the character to the specified frame for the specified animation.