
A framework-agnostic PHP DataView/DataGrid library

Primary LanguagePHP


A framework-agnostic PHP DataView/DataGrid library.

The purpose of this library is to sort and filter ORM/ODM result sets with a minimal amount of work. It is not responsible for doing any kind of rendering or dealing with requests - only getting the relevant result set given a set of constraints in an ORM/ODM agnostic manner.


Note: This is currently incomplete.

// specify the adapter to use
$dataview = new \DataView\DataView(new \DataView\Adapter\DoctrineORM($this->getEntityManager()));

// specify a Doctrine repository name

// alternatively specify a QueryBuilder if you want to pre-filter the result-set:

// filter on an attribute
$dataview->addFilter(new \DataView\Filter(

// filter on a many-to-one relation
$dataview->addFilter(new \DataView\Filter(
	'United Kingdom'

// filter on a many-to-many relation
$dataview->addFilter(new \DataView\Filter(

// order by column
$dataView->setOrderBy('name', \DataView\Column::SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING);

// order by a relation's column 
$dataView->setOrderBy('company.name', \DataView\Column::SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING);

// the results are automatically put into Pagerfanta pager
$pager = $dataview->getPager();