
Finds long words for WordBase.

Primary LanguageJava


Finds long words for WordBase

Run the jarfile in the /bin folder.


buildDict builds a dictionary from the provided words.txt file. A custom dictionary can also be provided with a filepath as an argument (must have words separated by newlines).

import imports the board at the filepath given in the argument (import board.txt). Boards are formatted as follows:


Capitals denote letters under your control.

analyze analyzes the current board given, and gives a list of possible words from the position given.

sort sorts the word list. Can be sorted by height, length, width, top, bottom, and newletters (use sort height).

how shows the spots taken for a specific word given in the argument.

get takes two numerical arguments (use get 0 50), and shows the words in the current sorted order from the first argument to the second argument (the 1st to 51st words in this case).

win searches for winning words. Determines which side of the board you are on based on capitalized letters, so input board must be valid for this to work properly.

winFrom shows a list of spots that will allow you to win the game on the next move.

opponentWinFrom shows a list of spots that will allow the opponent to win in one move.

add adds a word to the area you control (equivalent to capitalizing). Allows you to pick a particular configuration of the word. This doesn't re-analyze the board.