Neural Maximum Moment Restriction

Fork from Xu et al., 2021.

How to Run Experiments

  1. Install all Python dependencies
    pip install -r python_requirements.txt
  2. Create an empty dumps directory (if needed) for capturing results
    mkdir dumps
  3. Run experiments
    python <path-to-configs> ate

Config files

The configuration files to replicate all results in the paper can be found in the configs/ directory. For example, to replicate the results of the Demand experiment presented in Figure 2, you would run for each JSON file in configs/figure2_config.

Reproducing our Figures

Reproducing our paper's Figures involves 3 steps: 1) running the experiments (described above), 2) aggregating the results, and 3) running the visualization scripts.

(2) Aggregation: in the data_visualization/results_aggregation_scripts/ folder, there is a script for all required result aggregations for the paper. Each script contains a docstring that describes its required inputs. Each script saves the aggregated data to the results/ folder.

(3) Visualization/plotting: in the data_visualization/ folder, there are 6 R scripts that reproduce the Figures in our paper using the aggregated data from (2). These scripts should run self-contained; they need only have their working directory set to results/.

Details on is designed to be used from a command-line interface, as described above. Beneath the hood, calls main(), which creates a time-stamped directory in dumps/ to hold the current experiment's results. It then loads the user-specified json config file that should specify the experimental and model parameters. This config file is also saved to the experiment's results folder.

Next, the ate() function is called. ate() passes the configuration dictionary and result's directory path to experiment() from src.experiment

experiment(): separates the config dict into data_config (specifying the data to be used for the experiment), model_config (specifying the model to be used for the experiment) and n_repeat (specifying the number of repetitions of the experiment to perform). The model's name (from model_config) is used by get_run_func() to retrieve the corresponding experiment execution function. Ex. our method has name "nmmr", causing get_run_func() to retrieve the execution function NMMR_experiment() from grid_search_dict() then uses the data_config to create a grid of experimental data parameters (i.e. if you specify a list of sample_sizes in your config file, each will be run during the experiment). A similar grid is created from the model_config parameters (e.g. if you want to run multiple variations of the same model in one experiment). And finally, a loop is executed over the grid of data_configs and model_configs, passing data parameters, model parameters, results directory path and experiment ID to the appropriate experiment execution function. The experiments are executed and results are saved to result.csv within the corresponding results directory under the dumps/ parent directory.