
A codebase for open source SFX data TFrecord sharding

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A codebase for open source sound effects (SFX) TFrecord sharding data preparation. It is initially used for CLAP model training on TPUs.


Training dataset

Name Duration Number of Samples Caption Shards
Audioset X hrs XX synthetic text 512
ACAV2M X hrs XX synthetic text 512
Freesound (AIR) X hrs 513061 (raw text, synthetic text) 512
Epidemic Sound X hrs 75645 text 128
BBC Sound Effects
(Full, SoundDescriptions)
X hrs 33042 text 256
Audiostock X hrs 9837 text 32
Free To Use Sounds X hrs 8348 label 64
ClothoV2-train X hrs 5929 5 text 32
MACS X hrs 3930 5 text 32
AudioCaps-train X hrs XX 1 text 32

Evaluation dataset

Name Duration Number of Samples Caption Type
VGGSound X hrs 167338 label ZS
ESC50 X hrs X label ZS
US8k X hrs X label ZS
ClothoV2-test X hrs 5929 5 text Retrievel
AudioCaps-test X hrs XX X text Retrievel
WavText5K X hrs XX 1 text Retrievel
HEAR label Probing

Preprocessing Code


1. Audio preprocess (local)

Convert diverse audio formats into mono 16kHz audio in wav format

2. Overlap record (local)

  • AudioCaps is a subset of AudioSet, VGGSound has overlaps with Audioset.
  • Freesound has overlaps with clothov2, US8k, ESC50 and FSD50k. (to add clotho overlaps)

3. TFrecordize