
This is an image viewer that can be deployed online as a website or placed in your code

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is no dependencies javascript plugin that help to view image better. and it can place in you code or deploy online.it is only 12k uncompressed.why i do it?what github's markdown link images can't show.you can change dns and turn on vpn to solve it.but it's client!it's not nice.So i solve it with an external image viewer.


npm i @zgo/image-viewer


  1. imageViewer.load(options)
// {clientType: 1}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="imageviewer.min.css"> or 
// {clientType: 0}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="imageviewer.phone.min.css.css">
//options -> {k:v} 
  1. imageViewer.pageTo(number)
  2. imageViewer.openOrClose(boolean)
  3. imageViewer.adapteScreen()


key type range default value means show
list dom - null ImageViewer can get image informations autoly,if you give dom what wrap all images that you want to load
images array - null image informations [{src: '1.jpg', alt: 'image', width: number, height: number},...]
wrapper dom - null You can custom wrapper through changging some html of example
gutter number - 60
clientType number 0 or 1 1 0 is meaning phone and 1 is meaning PC
languge string 'zh_CN' or 'en' 'zh_CN' If you want to support more languges,you can use wrapper of options.
close boolean - false close
full boolean - true screen full
github boolean - true project origin
handlerNext function
handlerPrev function
handlerOriginalShap function
handlerWidthAdapter function
handlerHeightAdapter function
unmount function When wapper close,it executes
load function when image is completed, it executes.every image executes just one time.
imagesIsNotOk function (images)=>void (images)=>{throw new Error("can't get images")} if images is not truthy,all events will not mount and button will not feedback!
modal boolean true

example wrapper

{wrapper: ['phonehtml', '<div class="imageViewerBox">
  <div class="img_title">
    <span class="img_con">imageviewer</span>
    <span class="img_actions"><div class="img_icon icon_cycle"></div>
      <div class="img_action">
          <li><a class="img_full">full</a></li>
          <!-- <li><a class="img_close">close</a></li> -->
          <li><a href="https://github.com/zgoby/imageviewer">GitHub</a></li>
  <div class="img_imgBox">
    <!-- <div class="img_position">
      <div class="img_size">
    </div> -->
  <div class="img_controlBox clearfix">
    <div class="img_page">
      <a class="img_item prev"></a>
      <span class="img_item img_pagebar"><span class="currentSize">1</span> / <span class="total">4</span></span>
      <a class="img_item next"></a>
    <div class="img_scale">
      <a class="img_item originalShap"></a>
      <a class="img_item widthAdapter"></a>
      <a class="img_item heightAdapter"></a>
  <div class="img_loading">loading...</div>


  1. Mobile support
  2. Life cycle function add
  1. Support customizable event adding