
Pose Sensitive Embedding for Person Re-Identification (PSE)

Primary LanguagePython

Pose Sensitive Embedding for Person Re-Identification (PSE)

In this repository, we provide the code used for our paper A Pose-Sensitive Embedding for Person Re-Identification with Expanded Cross Neighborhood Re-Ranking.

This includes our training and prediction framework as well as the used neural network architectures and dataset readers. The Python and Matlab code for our Expanded Cross Neighborhood Re-Ranking is located in a separate repository. This training framework is based on Google's Tensorflow and the original network architectures (Resnet and Inception-v4) are inspired by the implementations provided in the Tensorflow Models repository. All code is written in Python3 and was used with Tensorflow 1.3.

If you find our work helpful in your research, please cite:

M. Saquib Sarfraz, Arne Schumann, Andreas Eberle, Ranier Stiefelhagen,
"A Pose Sensitive Embedding for Person Re-Identification with Expanded Cross Neighborhood Re-Ranking",
https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.10378 2017. [accepted at CVPR 2018]

Training a Model for Person Re-Identification

In order to train our models for Person Re-Identification, we start of with an Imagenet pre-trained model and fine tune it on our task. These pre-trained models can be found on the Tensorflow Models Readme Page.

For training a Person Re-Id model, the trainer_preid.py script is used. To get a look at all possible arguments, have a look at the script's main method. Here, we'll only show the most important ones.

Preparing Datasets

To be able to use the dataset readers, simply extract the datasets downloaded from their project websites into an empty folder.

Supported Datasets

We currently support duke, market1501 and mars. Although there are some other readers provided, we cannot give guarantees for them. To see the names used for training these datasets, have a look at the DatasetFactory.py class.

Supported Network Architectures

To see the supported network's and their names, best have a look at the nets_factory.py script. Please note that the Tensorflow Models framework refers to the Resnet-50 network as resnet_v1_50. For the sake of compatibility, we did not change that.

Training a Resnet-50 Baseline on Market1501

To run our training script for a Resnet-50 Baseline model with market, execute the following while replacing all the <> tags with the corresponding values.

python3 trainer_preid.py --output=<output directory> --data=<dataset directory> --dataset-name=market1501 --batch-size=16 --num-epochs=100 --network-name=resnet_v1_50 --initial-checkpoint=<path to imagenet checkpoint or another checkpoint you want to load> --checkpoint-exclude-scopes=resnet_v1_50/logits --trainable-scopes=resnet_v1_50/logits --no-evaluation

In this example, we use the optional parameters --checkpoint-exclude-scopes and --trainable-scopes. With the former, we can specify scopes to be excluded when loading the initial checkpoint (e.g. here, we exclude the logits, as they do not match between imagnet and Market1501). These layers will be randomly initialized. The latter one allows us to specify the scopes that should be trained. If this parameter is not specified, the whole network will be trained.

For our work, we always started with an Imagenet pre-trained model and first trained only the randomly initialized layers before fine-tuning the whole network. To do this, you would start a new training after the one above finished or converged. For this new training, you specify that result as initial checkpoint and do not exclude scopes and train the whole network (not specify --trainable-sopes).

To find out the scope names, please have a look at the network implementations in the nets package.

Evaluation during training

If you do not specify the --no-evaluation flag, the trainer_preid.py script will evaluate the model with the test and query set after every epoch. This is done by first predicting the test and query set and then using the Market1501 matlab evaluation script. Furthermore, the script will store the best checkpoint with the predicted features. Please note that this is not implemented for the MARS dataset as it takes a very long time predicting the features. These best features will be located in a subfolder of the output directory called predictions-best.

Training the Views Predictor

In order to train our Views model, you need to have a dataset providing views information. In our paper, we used RAP for training the view predictor before transfering it to one of the other datasets. In contrast, our RAP dataset does not utilize person labels and thus can only be used for views training. The trainer_views.py script can be called as follows:

python3 trainer_views.py --output=<output directory> --data=<dataset directory> --dataset-name=market1501 --batch-size=16 --num-epochs=100 --network-name=resnet_v1_50_views --initial-checkpoint=<path to imagenet checkpoint or another checkpoint you want to load> --checkpoint-exclude-scopes=resnet_v1_50/logits --trainable-scopes=resnet_v1_50/3Views

Traiing Pose Map Models

The pose maps models are basically used the same way as the Baseline and the View models. However, to use them, you first need to generate the pose maps for the images. We did this by using the Deeper Cut Tensorflow implementation. You can use our posemaps generator and writer script here [ https://github.com/pse-ecn/pose-sensitive-embedding/blob/master/tools/images_to_pose_maps.py ]. Copy this file inside the Deeper Cut Repository and try to run it with the required command line arguments, which are defined in the main().

python3 images_to_pose_maps.py --input-pattern=/path/to/the/images/*.jpg --output-dir=/path/to/save/posemaps

For handling the pose maps, the datasets in our framework also have a <dataset-name>-pose-maps counterpart.

Therefore, to train a pose maps Resnet-50 model, you can run the following:

python3 trainer_preid.py --output=<output directory> --data=<dataset directory> --dataset-name=market1501-pose-maps --batch-size=16 --num-epochs=100 --network-name=resnet_v1_50 --initial-checkpoint=<path to imagenet checkpoint or another checkpoint you want to load> --checkpoint-exclude-scopes=resnet_v1_50/logits,resnet_v1_50/conv1 --trainable-scopes=resnet_v1_50/logits,resnet_v1_50/conv1 --no-evaluation

Please note that we mainly change the --dataset-name parameter to market1501-pose-maps. However, as the Imagenet pre-trained model expects only three input layers, we cannot use the first layer of that model. Therefore we not only exclude the logits, but also the conv1 layer. Accordingly, we also add this layer to the trainable layers to enable the network to learn this layer in the first training step.

Training a Pose Sensitive Embedding Model (Views + Pose Maps Model)

Our PSE models are a combination of the Views Model and the Pose Maps Model. Therefore, for training the model, the training processes are also combined. The following command can be used to train a Resnet 50 PSE model.

python3 trainer_preid.py --output=<output directory> --data=<dataset directory> --dataset-name=market1501-pose-maps --batch-size=16 --num-epochs=100 --network-name=resnet_v1_50_views --initial-checkpoint=<path to model with RAP pre-trained views predictor> --checkpoint-exclude-scopes=resnet_v1_50/logits --trainable-scopes=resnet_v1_50/logits,resnet_v1_50/pre_logits,resnet_v1_50/3ViewBranches --no-evaluation

Here we use the dataset version providing pose maps (market1501-pose-maps) with the network architecture utilizing the views prediction (resnet_v1_50_views). It is important to note that we have to use an initial model with a trained views predictor. This is the case because we do not have view labels for the Market1501 and Duke dataset. Again, we first train all randomly initialized layers before fine-tuning the whole model afterwards.

Using Tensorboard to track training

During training, you can keep track of the loss and other important numbers by starting Tensorboard.

tensorboard --logdir=<output directory of the training or a parent folder of it>

The results can be viewed by opening a browser and go to localhost:6006.

Feature Prediction

To predict the features, run the predictor_preid.py script:

python3 predictor_preid.py --model-dir=<the model to be loaded> --data=<dataset directory> --dataset-name=market1501 --batch-size=128 --network-name=resnet_v1_50_views

The predicted features will be stored in a subfolder of the specified model-dir called predictions.

Download our deployed PSE Model's features or Trained model files

PSE Models (Market & duke): https://bwsyncandshare.kit.edu/dl/fiVyQmjBRDtJ9NzxuEqbSBn1/.zip

You can download the PSE features for the Market-1501 and Duke datasets here


You can then evaluate these and reproduce the results in our paper using evaluation scripts at Expanded Cross Neighborhood Re-Ranking.

General Notes

If you have any trouble using our code or find a bug or a mistake in this manual, please file a Github issue.