
A tool for stratified sampling of GHTorrent repositories based on their star rating

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


ghtorrent-sampler is a tool for stratified sampling of GHTorrent repositories based on their star rating.


  • Java 13+
  • A data dump or remote connection to a GHTorrent PSQL DB

Get Started

Execute the following query in the GHTorrent PSQL DB (takes a while)

CREATE table project_samples
SELECT url, language, COUNT(*) as nbr_of_stars
FROM watchers
    SELECT id, language, url 
    FROM projects
    WHERE language='C++' OR language='Java' -- Add more languages if needed
) as projects
ON projects.id = watchers.repo_id 
GROUP BY url, language, repo_id;

Configure ghtorrent-sampler.properties


github.authorization-token can be generated here: https://github.com/settings/tokens


mvn package


Create file with all the samples clone urls

java -jar ghtorrent-sampler.jar --lang C++ --nbr-of-ranges 25 --tot-nbr-of-samples 1000 --seed 1234

Clone All Repositories

!WARNING!: The total size can be large. Make sure you have enough space on your disk before cloning all repositories. The total size can be found in the metadata or log file.

cp {target}/samples-java-1000.txt .
mkdir repositories && cd repositories 
# Ex. samples-java-1000.txt | xargs -L1 git clone
<../samples-{lang}-{nbrOfSamples}.txt | xargs -L1 git clone

Clone All Repositories Source Files Only

!WARNING!: This command deletes files permanently. Read command carefully before using.

cp {target}/samples-java-1000.txt .
mkdir repositories && cd repositories 
# Ex. <../samples-java-1000.txt xargs -d $'\n' sh -c 'for arg do git clone $arg; find . -type f ! -name '*.java' -delete; done'
<../samples-{lang}-{nbrOfSamples}.txt xargs -d $'\n' sh -c 'for arg do git clone $arg; find . -type f ! -name '*.{fileEnding}' -delete; done'


--lang <String>, the language that ghtorrent-sampler filters all repositories on.
--nbr-of-ranges <int>, the number of star ranges that you want to sample from.
--tot-nbr-of-samples <int>, the total number of samples.
--seed <long>, use if you want to try to replicate the results.

Replicate Run

Use the same --seed argument and validate the "Samples hash" found in the output. The hash needs to be checked because some repositories might have been deleted from GitHub since the last run.

Example Output

Sampling with arguments: 
* Language: Java
* Number of samples: 1000
* Number of ranges: 25
* Number of samples per range: 40
* Seed: 8191


* Max number of stars: 1056
* Min number of stars: 0
* Total size of repositories if cloned: 39616.48299999995 Megabytes, 39.61648299999995 Gigabytes
* Samples hash: -1083826755