🚀 Stocks App 👽

This is a real-time Stock tracking app created with HTML5 CSS3 and Javascript! The app will display prices of stocks, users can create accounts, users can select favorite stocks which will save to account, users will receive email or/and push notifications when watched stock prices reach a specified point.

Business Purpose

Business Purpose: A source of stock information (alongside other sources) that can help a user decide on what stocks to purchase.


⭐ - Getting Started ⭐ - Prerequisites ⭐ - Installing ⭐ - Project Goals ⭐ - CONTROLING THE SHIP ⭐ - Built With ⭐ - I TIP MY HAT TO ⭐ - License ⭐ - Acknowledgments

Getting Started

Feel free to fork it and tweak it to your likings. This is a basic quick build with many paths that are open to your exploration. Otherwise to try it out clone the repo to your local machine or download the zip. basiclly just open index.html in your browser and thats it!


You need preferably the latest version of Chrome, a text editor and an imagination.

Go here for Chrome: https://www.google.com/chrome/

VSCode is my go to: https://code.visualstudio.com/

An Imagination is a must. This is only the begining of what you can do with a little research!


To get started follow this guide: ON LINUX/UNIX

In your terminal clone repo to your local machine using git clone:

$ git clone https://github.com/NathanNOSudo/space-gladiatorsV3   

If you want to customize it first then just open space-gladiatorsV3 in your editor

Move to your newly cloned repo by entering the following in your terminal:

$ cd space-gladiatorsV3

To open all project files from terminal using VSCode just tpye and enter:

$ code .


I suggest LiveServer extension on VSCode to open game while customizing the files so you can monitor the changes. Once you have LiveServer on VSCode just right click on the index.html and select preview in browser! Thats it! Any changes you make its not a bad idea to make sure to save your files and reload the browser.


Press "D" key to turn right. Press "W" key to move forward. Press "A" key to move left.

Built With


  • Billie Thompson - Provided README Template - PurpleBooth


This project is licensed under the Attribution 4.0 International Creative Commons License - see the LICENSE.md file for details

Acknowledgments 🏁

  • Another Hat tip to Jame Simpson Founder of Goldfire Studios
  • VSCode for the free month of pluralsight lol
  • Mark Myers for his awesome books on HTML, CSS, PYTHON, and Javascript. Learned more from his books than any class so far!# stockproject