
Tensor calculations and matrix analysis.

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

Hex.pm Hex.pm


Tensor operations and matrix analysis.


The package can be installed by adding tensorex to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:tensorex, "~> 0.6.0"}

Basic usage

# Creates a 2-rank tensors
iex> tensor1 = Tensorex.from_list([[2, 3, 4], [ 3, -4,  5], [4, 5, 6]])
iex> tensor2 = Tensorex.from_list([[5, 6, 7], [-6,  7, -8], [7, 8, 9]])

# Adds two tensors
iex> Tensorex.Operator.add(tensor1, tensor2)

# Makes a dot product
iex> Tensorex.Operator.multiply(tensor1, tensor2, [{1, 0}])

# Finds a solution of linear algebra
iex> Tensorex.Analyzer.solve(tensor1, tensor2)

For more functions and explainations, see the documentation.