
This project is a work-in-progress AI desktop assistant powered by OpenAI API, developed in Python

Primary LanguagePython

AI Desktop Assistant System

This project is an AI-powered desktop assistant that can perform various tasks and uses OpenAI API for answering. It uses Python as the programming language.

API Key Generation

You need to generate a unique API key from

Parameter Type Description
api_key string Required. Your API key

You have to add your own unique api key in the MarshBrain.py file.


  • Open any application of system.
  • Search anything on Google.
  • Answer queries related to any field.
  • Solve any type of logical and mathematical question.
  • Remember names and details of people.
  • Fetch latest weather report of a particular area.
  • Able to speak time & date. . . . and many more


  • This project converts a user’s query from speech to text using the Speech_Recognition module.
  • Then, it translates the text into English using the Google Translate module.
  • Next, the query is send to OpenAI AI for response.
  • Finally, it converts the model’s response from text to speech using the Pyttsx3 module.
  • It performs task i.e Open an App. using os module.
  • It gets real-time weather data from google by using BeautifulSoup library.


Clone the repo to make it available on your local system by using

  git clone <FORKED_REPO_URL>

Change the directory i.e:

  cd AI-Desktop-Assistant-Python-OpenAI


Installing all the necessary python module using

  pip install -r requirements.txt


  python Marsh.py

Sure thing! Just hit the assistant with some voice commands now!


  • We are Open for Pull Requests.

  • Please contribute and add value to the code.

  • If you have some ideas for new features and you don't have time to implement them please open an issue with the tag new_feature.

  • Please don't forget to comment (document) your code!

  • Before creating a Pull Request please go through the above guidelines and the code!