Onix Client is a legit modification for Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Sometimes, you may need help setting it up, and this is what the FAQ is for. This has all of the common questions about Onix Client, installation, and usage. If you have any suggestions for this page, please fork this repository, edit it, and then create a pull request. Finally, if you have any other questions please join the Discord server and create a ticket there. Note: Before using the client make sure you agree with the Onix Client License which is found at the bottom of this page or here.
To download Onix Client, go to the #download channel. Once you do this, you have a few options:
- Download the launcher and open it. Once you click launch, after a few seconds, it will automatically open your game and inject Onix Client.
- Use the Onix Injector and download the DLL. Select the DLL. Then, open Minecraft and go back into the injector. Once Minecraft loads, click Inject.
- You CAN use a third-party injector, but we can't ensure that it will work properly and if it's safe for public use.
Yes, we can assure you that Onix Client is 100% safe for use. Your antivirus might flag it because it injects a DLL into the game. However, due note these things:
- Our injector can only inject into Minecraft, other viruses attack other applications, if not all.
- If you use any third-party program along with our DLL, we are NOT ensuring functionality or the fact that this is safe. However, any Onix Client file used is 100% safe.
- Minecraft is a UWP app, which means it is sandboxed. Meaning even if the DLL was malicious, it wouldn't be able to do very much when injected into the minecraft process. More info about UWP sandboxing Here.
- If you ever feel like anything is not safe, DON'T use it.
You have to use Windows 10/11. You also need the 64-bit operating system with an x64-based processor.
This shouldn't be a problem if you have Windows 11, as an x64-based processor is required to use it.
Right click the Start button and click "System", which takes you to this screen:
- If it says "64-bit operating system, x64-based processor", you can use Onix Client.
- If it says "32-bit operating system, x64-based processor", you need to install the 64-bit version of Windows. We will not be showing you how to do that here, so go do your research.
- If it says "32-bit operating system, x86-based processor", unfortunately, you can't use Onix Client.
- If your PC is ARM or Qualcomm based, you can't use Onix Client either.
Press the Windows Key + R and paste the following:
cmd.exe /c del "%localappdata%\Onix Launcher\OnixClient.dll" && pause
This will delete the old Onix Client dll, and the launcher will install the new one on launch.
π When I open the client, I get an error saying: "You are attempting to open a file of type 'system file'". Why does this happen?
This is because you are trying to open the DLL, which only works with other injectors. The DLL file cannot be opened and is not meant to be either. If you want to use this method please check out the Onix injector. If you use a third-party injector, we are not responsible for anything that might happen.
No. We use this to make diagnosing problems much easier for our support team.
Your game is most likely on an unsupported version. If you are below 1.16.40, you will need to upgrade to a higher version. If you are above the latest supported version, you will need to downgrade. You can downgrade (or upgrade) using MCLauncher.
(1.18) (1.17) (1.16)
1.18.0 1.17.0 1.16.40
1.18.1 1.17.2 1.16.100 (partial)
1.18.2 1.17.10 1.16.200
1.18.10 1.17.11 1.16.201
1.18.12 1.17.30 1.16.210
1.18.30 1.17.32 1.16.220
1.18.31 1.17.34 1.16.221
βοΈ When trying to change version with McLauncher, it gives me an error saying "The Temporary directory for backing up MC data already exists." How do I fix this?
Press Windows key + R and paste %localappdata%\ and find a folder called TmpMinecraftLocalState, then right click on the folder and click on "Cut". Next go to your desktop and click paste. Now open mcLauncher again and launch a version. Don't worry if your settings and packs are gone because you have them backed up on the folder you moved to your desktop. Next replace all the files in the folder you on your desktop with the files in %localappdata%\Packages\Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_8wekyb3d8bbwe\localstate\ and you're done!
Make sure you have the Xbox Console Companion, which you can download here. Log in, and it should show up after restarting the launcher.
If you have already downloaded Xbox Console Companion, log out and log back in to fix it.
Go to a world or server and press L or Insert, then you'll be able to see the Client Settings button. To activate modules, right-click on them.
You have a 32-bit version of Minecraft. This is usually branded under FPS Boosting or Lag-Free AppX files. These are not compatible with Onix Client.
You have a version of Minecraft that is not supported. You can see this list of supported versions here.
An error occurred while trying to inject Onix Client. This may be due to your antivirus, however, we cannot quite pinpoint this issue to a cause. Please open a ticket if you have issues resolving this problem.
It's being remade as of recently. You'll have to wait.
You can support us by becoming a patron. The perks are listed in the tiers. If you buy a tier, please don't hesitate to open a ticket to get your roles if the bot hasn't already synced them.
Press L, click on Client Settings, then turn on "Sync All Rainbow" on the Global Settings. This should sync the modules together.
Right-click the module first (you can do this with any module to enable it). This is not a bug, but a feature that allows Onix to have a zoom out animation if you have zoom animations enabled.
Restart your game. You can no longer uninject while in game.
The current latest version is 2.75
Freelook (360 perspective)
Environment Changer
Java Debug Menu
Toggle Sprint/Sneak
Auto GG
Chunk Borders
Render Options
Third Person Nametag
Block Outline/Overlay
Custom Crosshairs
Hitboxes (they don't show through blocks/walls)
Waypoints (.waypoint in mc chat to get clear instructions)
FPS Counter
Server IP Display
CPS Counter
Direction HUD
Speed Display
Reach Display
Combo Counter
Pack Display
Armor HUD
Movable Paperdoll
Flappy Bird
Potion HUD
Audio Subtitles
Player List Tab
Hurt Color
Light Overlay
TNT Timer
Creative Tools (cheats that you can use when you are operator)
Item Physics
Theme Editor (say .theme in chat)
Module Search
Client Side Nick (.nick)
Say .help
in chat for a complete list of Onix commands.
Youtube Requirements:
- 750+ Subs
- 1k+ Subs
- A video about Onix Client
- At least 10 videos
- Level 10 in the onix client discord server
- Regular engagement with the community
- an average of 500 views per video
- Active channel
Twitch Requirements
- An average of 150 viewers per stream
- Active account
- Level 10 in the onix client discord server
- Regular engagement with the community
other media platform applications will be reviewed manually
If you meet any of the requirements, open a ticket.
Yes, now that the Epic Games Nitro promotion is over. If you boost our discord, you get access to #beta-announcments and #beta-chat. You also get #cool-chat and image/embed perms in #gΓ©nΓ©ral.
Open the module settings and enable "Minecraftia Font" on the right.
One of your texture packs probably broke them. But don't worry, we have a PotionHUD Fixer here! Due note: this pack may break custom hotbars/XP bars.
Turn off "Hide Tile Entities".
Say .theme in chat.
Middle-click the change colour button or the module in the Onix GUI. You can middle-click by pressing the scroll wheel down or clicking with 3 fingers on a trackpad.
Download this pack and apply it. The reason why it exists is that the pack maker/porter of one of your packs never updated hud_screen.json. The bug report and discussion can be found here.
-Fixed "Custom Crosshair" using image crosshairs
-Added an option to "Custom Crosshair" to use "Texture Pack" crosshair
-Fixed freecam for 1.18.12
-Fixed "Render Options" not being compatible with "Zoom" hide hand option
-Fixed "Item Physics" for 1.18.30/1.18.31 with item frames
-Fixed Darkness effect showing as "Unknown"
-Added the option to have round corners on most mods
-Added support for 1.18.31
-Settings is added
-Insider Mode is now a setting and acts more like a "Custom DLL" feature
-Magic Gradient - adds color transitions to the gradient buttons (look closely, it's very subtle)
-Added a button to open the logs folder
-Network detection (pings GitHub to check if either you and/or GitHub's servers are online)
(If you're offline and the DLL already exists locally, the launcher will use that to launch)
(If the DLL doesn't exist, the launcher closes)
-New error message if injection fails while the game is open
-Fixed dragging on all windows
-Fixed version list getting downloaded even when insider mode is enabled
-Minor cosmetic changes, again
- Creative tools freecam is gone from 1.18.10/1.18.12 and future versions
Depending on the antivirus that you're using, you should either turn it off so you can download the client or you can exclude the client from being flagged. Onix Client is not a virus of any sort. The launcher is open source; the source code can be viewed here if you want to compile it yourself or check if the code is safe.
Antivirus | Exclude Links | Disable Links |
Windows Defender | Exclude | Disable |
Norton | Exclude | Disable |
Malwarebytes | Exclude | Disable |
McAfee | Exclude | Disable |
Avast | Exclude | Disable |
BitDefender | Exclude | Disable |
Kaspersky Internet Security | Exclude | Disable |
Quick Heal | Exclude | Disable |
AVG | Exclude | Disable |
Webroot | Exclude | Disable |
Panda/Panda Dome | Exclude | Disable |
Spectrum F-Secure | Exclude | Disable |
PCMatic | Exclude | Disable |
k7 | Exclude | Disable |
RAV Antivirus | Exclude | Uninstall |
Avira users:
Avira will not let you use Onix Client, even if it's disabled. We recommend you uninstall Avira until we get this issue sorted out with them.
^^ This issue is now fixed.
If you have an antivirus that's not included here or if a link stops working, you can DM @ItzHugo#2308 or @Isaiahluke40#3089 so we can fix it.
If both of us are not online, we suggest going to #make-a-ticket and create a ticket. (Please wait patiently after making a ticket)
Definitions: Us/We (the Onix Client developers), You (you reading this/using Onix Client) We own the Onix Client name, the logo, and its programs/binaries. You are subject to the following terms:
β’ Talk about the client
β’ Show the logo in your YouTube thumbnail(s)
β’ Use the logo to showcase the client in rewiews, showcases, etc
β’ Use the logo and name for your own product(s) without permission from us
β’ Claim the logo and name as yours
β’ Promote your product with the logo and name
β’ Reupload or redistribute the client/launcher in different websites (Mediafire, Dropbox, your own Discord server, etc.)
β’ Distribute a modified version of the client/launcher
β’ Use, distribute, and/or own older versions of any of our products
Failure to comply with these terms will result in your content being taken down.
Delete all binaries logos, files do not use any of the products
To remove it from the game close it
if you use it anyway you agree to follow these terms
Extra notes: We don't want to be a boring company. We just want to protect our logo and name. Any questions should be asked in #make-a-ticket.
You can contribute to this FAQ by making a fork of this project, editing it, and submitting a pull request. All valid help is accepted and is encouraged. Thank you for reading and helping to make this better!