
Borg backup implementation. Original code by admins of singularity-node.net

Primary LanguageShell


Original code by admins of singularity-node.net


This repository describes a procedure and a set of scripts to set up borg backup in a main machine <> backup server configuration.



Backup Server

  • Install borgbackup

    • apt install borgbackup
  • Create a group for backup users (robot).

    • addgroup backup_users
    • Allows all backup users to be identified in the following configurations
  • Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and add the configuration provided in sshd.config

  • Reload the sshd service with systemctl reload sshd

  • Create a backup.sh file at the chosen location

    • Example /backup/backup.sh
    • Don't forget to execute chmod +x /backup/backup.sh to make the script executable
  • Create a backup user and its associated borg repo using the script create_backup_user.sh

    • create_backup_user.sh <backup user>
    • WARNING: Be sure to note the passphrase used when initialising the borg repo

Main Machine

In the directory /backup :

  • Create a start-backup.sh file
    • Don't forget to execute chmod +x start-backup.sh to make the script executable
  • Create a backup_s.conf file in /backup/config
    • /backup/config/backup_s.conf
  • Create a backup_s.d directory in /backup/config
    • /backup/config/backup_s.d
  • In this directory, create the configurations for each backup category
    • Example :
      • <category>.list -> list of files or directories to be backed up (full path to be described)
      • <category>.exclude.list -> list of files or directories not to be backed up (full path to be described)
      • <category>.sh -> script executed BEFORE the backup
      • <category>.cleanup.sh -> script executed AFTER the backup
  • Don't forget to execute chmod +x .sh files


  • Create an ssh key for the root user of the machine to be backed up
  • Copy the public key obtained into the autorized_keys file of the user previously created on the backup server
  • Create a cron job for the root user of the machine to be backed up in order to run the backup periodically
    • Example : 0 4 * * 7 /backup/start-backup.sh <category> => Run a backup every Sunday at 4am for the category <category>
    • WARNING: the first backup may take a long time