Utility Tool for Raspberry Pi by Hiroyuki Matsuo
Track energy consumption of your device with Adafruit INA219 chip.
Clone this repository.
$ git clone https://github.com/h-matsuo/eTracker.git
Update submodule.
$ cd eTracker $ git submodule update --init
usage: eTracker.py track [-h] [-i <interval>] [-o <filename>]
track energy consumption of target device
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i <interval> set the tracking interval in [sec]; default = 0.02
-o <filename> write output to <filename>
usage: eTracker.py analyze [-h] [-b <begin_date>] [-e <end_date>] <filename>
analyze the json file created by track sub-command
positional arguments:
<filename> specify the file to analyze
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b <begin_date>, --begin <begin_date>
specify the beginning of the section of time to
analyze; if '-' is given, analyze from the beginning
of the file; default = '-'
-e <end_date>, --end <end_date>
specify the end of the section of time to analyze; if
'-' is given, analyze to the end of the file; default
= '-'
MIT License.